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发布时间:2018-06-26 06:47

  本文选题:安全播出 + 变电站 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The "safe broadcasting" of radio and television involves national security and social stability. It has always been a work of great importance in the radio and television industry. Among them, the power security is a large part of the radio and television "safe broadcasting" evaluation system. The whole broadcast "guarantee" plays an important role. The substation of Jiangxi radio and Television Center is mainly responsible for the power guarantee of the Jiangxi broadcast and TV broadcasting system. It is the main source of the technology power supply system of the Jiangxi broadcasting and television broadcasting and television broadcasting units. Under the guidance of "safe broadcasting" of "high quality, uninterrupted, economical and safe", the power station's output capacity is promoted by the "safe broadcasting" general policy of "high quality, continuous, economical and safe". The substation renovation project of Jiangxi radio and television center involves a lot of links, and the design of substation data communication and monitoring system is one of them An important item, based on the characteristic standard of the data communication and monitoring system of small substation, based on the RS-485 field bus mode and the standard Modbus as the main communication protocol, the design of the intelligent electronic devices which need communication and monitoring in the field is combined, and the communication network connection and protocol conversion are completed by the communication management machine. Then through the industrial Ethernet switch, the data communication and monitoring management are carried out with the computer server (monitoring host) in the control room of the station. In the design project, the EYEwin2.08 station monitoring software of the Nanjing automation Limited by Share Ltd of Guodian is selected, and the software development ideas such as layered design, component, standardization, open and so on are provided. The substation monitoring platform which is reliable, safe and easy to operate, realizes the microcomputer protection device of high voltage cabinet in the substation, the intelligent electric energy meter on the high voltage side, the transformer intelligent temperature controller, the DC power screen, the low voltage side digital power parameter measuring instrument, the diesel generating set and so on, and the data communication and monitoring system of the substation. The realization of the system has played a very important role in the power quality monitoring of the Jiangxi radio and television center and the power conservation management. It has greatly improved the level of its comprehensive automation management, strengthened the safety, reliability and advanced nature of the radio and television technology for distribution and distribution systems, and solved the urgent and future of the development of the radio and television industry in Jiangxi. Worry.


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