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发布时间:2018-06-26 21:39

  本文选题:分散式风电场 + 无功电压 ; 参考:《沈阳工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:风力发电技术是最具有发展前景的新能源技术。但是风电技术的快速发展也带来了一系列的问题,例如并网电压不稳问题,其中风电场无功优化问题在电力系统是较为突出的问题之一。近年来随着分散式风力发电技术的快速发展,分散式风电场的无功优化问题也相对突出,采用优化算法进行无功优化,降低系统损耗和提高电压质量已成为研究重点。许多事例表明,优化算法在电力系统行业中有较高的理论与实用价值。本文针对分散式风电场无功电压特性做了如下研究: 首先通过建立三种主流机型数学模型,研究了分散式风电场整体无功电压特性和无功损耗特性,提出了分散式风电场损耗包括风电机组、变压器、输电线路等损耗,并确定风电机组损耗所占比重较大,为后续研究奠定基础。 其次针对风电场整体场站级无功进行跟踪控制,提出一种单目标多约束的分层无功控制策略,将分散式风电场无功电压控制分为无功整定层和无功分配层,通过无功整定层确定风电场所需无功量,然后分配给各台机组确定机组输出量,当无功需求不足时,可适当调取SVC进行无功补偿,并提出此方法的软硬件配置方案,最后通过案例分析,验证此分配整定方法相对于按无功容量比例分配优越性。 最后,在上述研究基础上提出了一种不同时间等级的多目标多约束的无功优化控制方法,并以华润朝阳分散式风电场为依托采用自适应遗传算法进行无功优化,实现整体无功电压控制。
[Abstract]:Wind power generation technology is the most promising new energy technology. However, the rapid development of wind power technology has also brought a series of problems, such as the instability of grid-connected voltage, among which the problem of wind farm reactive power optimization is one of the more prominent problems in the power system. In recent years, with the rapid development of decentralized wind power generation technology, reactive power optimization problem of decentralized wind farm is relatively prominent. It has become the focus of research to adopt optimization algorithm to optimize reactive power, reduce system loss and improve voltage quality. Many examples show that the optimization algorithm has high theoretical and practical value in power system industry. In this paper, the reactive power and voltage characteristics of decentralized wind farm are studied as follows: firstly, the reactive voltage and reactive power loss characteristics of decentralized wind farm are studied by establishing three kinds of mathematical models of mainstream wind farm. The paper puts forward the loss of distributed wind farm including wind turbine transformer transmission line and so on and determines that the proportion of wind turbine loss is large which lays a foundation for further research. Secondly, aiming at the tracking control of reactive power in the whole field station of wind farm, a layered reactive power control strategy with single objective and multiple constraints is proposed. The reactive power and voltage control of decentralized wind farm is divided into reactive power tuning layer and reactive power distribution layer. The reactive power required by wind farm is determined by reactive power setting layer, and then assigned to each unit to determine the output quantity. When the reactive power demand is insufficient, SVC can be properly used to compensate reactive power, and the software and hardware configuration scheme of this method is put forward. Finally, through the case analysis, the superiority of the method is proved to be relative to the reactive power capacity ratio. Finally, on the basis of the above research, a multi-objective and multi-constraint reactive power optimization control method with different time levels is proposed, and the reactive power optimization is carried out by adaptive genetic algorithm based on the distributed wind farm of China Resources Chaoyang. Realize the whole reactive power and voltage control.


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