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发布时间:2018-06-28 05:26

  本文选题:智能电网 + 通信网络 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Developing low-carbon economy, building ecological civilization and realizing sustainable development have become the common understanding of human society. As an important part of energy supply, the development mode of power grid faces great challenges. Smart grid has become a common choice for the global power industry to deal with future challenges. High-speed transmission and multi-service flexible access are the effective guarantee for the security, reliability and economic operation of smart grid. With the development of communication technology, various wireless communication technologies are becoming more and more mature, and the coverage of wireless network is becoming more and more extensive. In the future, the communication terminal of power grid will be in the environment of multi-network coverage. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the smart grid communication network selection algorithm in multi-network service environment. Facing the future communication environment of smart grid multi-network service, this paper systematically analyzes the special requirements of smart grid for communication network, and introduces the research status and key problems of smart grid communication network in detail. In this paper, the network selection algorithm in the future smart grid multi-network service environment is deeply studied, and a network selection algorithm based on AHP is proposed. In order to solve the problem of high handover times and unguaranteed key data transmission, a multi-decision joint network selection algorithm based on AHP is proposed. In order to ensure the timely and reliable transmission of critical data, priority is set in the multi-decision joint network selection algorithm, which gives high priority to the key information and improves the response level. At the same time, the data temporary storage area is set up and the backup network is used to transmit the dispatching and control information safely, quickly and timely. In order to solve the problem of high handover times, the multi-decision joint network selection algorithm uses the pre-decision mechanism to set the dynamic property value of the network and to guarantee the minimum number of handoffs. The simulation results show that the algorithm can significantly reduce the number of handoffs and has better quality assurance in terms of delay and reliability of critical information.


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