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发布时间:2018-06-28 06:31

  本文选题:在线监控 + 电缆接头温度 ; 参考:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In this paper, the operation status of power cable and its gutter is analyzed in depth, and the problems existing in the operation and management of the cable and its gutter are analyzed quantitatively. Therefore, the necessity of the research on the power cable and its trench integrated monitoring system is obtained. The second part of this paper mainly analyzes and demonstrates the key factors that affect the safe operation of power cable, including the earthing current of single core metal sheath, temperature, fire, water level of cable ditch, anti-theft and so on. Finally, it is concluded that it is an inevitable choice to establish an on-line comprehensive monitoring system for power cable and its trench to improve labor efficiency and operation management level. The third part of this paper gives a general overview of the online integrated monitoring system, and the system structure, network structure, centralized monitoring center, integrated intelligent data management platform, two-level remote centralized control platform. The main network transmission lines of the system are introduced respectively. The system is based on the integrated intelligent data management platform of REAL-TIME. The system consists of power cable fault detection and patrol system, power cable partial discharge on-line monitoring application system, distributed optical fiber temperature measurement application system. Centralized Monitoring and Control system for well cover and entrance and exit of Power Tunnel Application system for Environmental Monitoring and automatic Control of Power Tunnel, The intelligent video surveillance and intrusion alarm application system for power tunnel and the location application system for emergency communication personnel in power tunnel. In the fourth part of this paper, the subsystems of the integrated monitoring system are introduced in detail, including system constitution, system function, system networking mode and implementation scheme. The fifth part introduces the implementation and effect of the system. In the last part of this paper, the comprehensive monitoring system is summarized and discussed. At the same time, we also hope that in the process of engineering practice, we can constantly test and perfect the content discussed in this paper, improve the system in practice, so that Jinan power supply company's management level of power network operation and maintenance can be improved, and finally the overall promotion of the system can be realized.


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