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发布时间:2018-06-29 10:05

  本文选题:失速型风机 + 双馈型风机 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a kind of green renewable energy, the wind energy is rich in resources and has made great progress in the field of wind power generation at home and abroad. Due to the obvious randomness, volatility and intermittence of wind energy, the interaction between wind power and power grid can not be ignored with the increase of grid capacity of wind turbines. Power system power oscillation and wind turbine generator set can not be ignored. The probability of torsional vibration of the shafting is also greatly increased. Among them, the torsional vibration of the wind turbine will cause the loss of the fan life and even the damage of the shaft directly. It is an important factor restricting the stable and safe operation of the power system. It is of great practical significance to study the torsional vibration characteristics of the wind farm. This paper has carried out a study on this problem, and the following work is carried out: first, The current situation of wind power development in the world and China is expounded, and the current wind power generation technology is introduced. Secondly, the modal analysis method based on small disturbance stability is introduced for the study of the problem of torsional vibration of the system, and the mathematical model of each module of the wind turbine is set up, and the small disturbance modes of the stall type fan, double fed fan and permanent magnet direct drive fan are formed. The torsional vibration mode of the shaft system is determined by the correlation factor analysis, and the influence of the electrical parameters on the torsional vibration of the permanent magnet direct drive fan is studied. Finally, a typical wind farm consisting of 24 typhoon sets is taken as an example to study the transmission characteristics of the torsional vibration of the wind power wind power unit bearing a variety of wind farms.


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