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发布时间:2018-06-29 12:03

  本文选题:两相混合式步进电机 + SVPWM ; 参考:《西安电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a key part of automation field, motor-based motion control technology plays an important role in the national economy. With the progress of modern science and technology, especially in the aspects of integrated circuit, power electronic device, automation control theory and so on, the motor has been used in its practical application by simply controlling the rotation and stopping in order to provide power. Rise to the stage of accurate control of velocity, acceleration, displacement and torque, so that the driven mechanical motion meets the desired requirements accurately. As a digitally controlled servo motor, step motor has many advantages such as low cost, easy to control, high positioning accuracy and no accumulated error. It has been widely used in numerical control devices, servo systems, etc. In the field of industrial automation, such as printing and packaging equipment. Stepping motor is a kind of electromechanical executive mechanism which converts electrical pulse signal to angular displacement or linear displacement. The stepper motor only receives pulse control signal, but the AC / DC power supply directly, the motor will not work normally, must use the matching motor driver to supply the pulse signal. Therefore the stepper motor and the motor driver are an inseparable whole, the driving technology is different, the performance of the motor has obvious difference. Space Voltage Vector Pulse width Modulation (SVPWM) is a strategy to control the converter based on AC space voltage vector switching. It was proposed by foreign scholars in the early 1980s for AC motor frequency conversion drive. The method satisfies the requirement of circular air-gap magnetic field, and the purpose of modulation is to control the space vector locus of magnetic linkage of AC motor to approach the circle. This method can reduce the torque ripple of the motor and improve the performance of the motor. Stepping motor torque vector control technology can improve the stability and amplitude of the motor output torque, and greatly improve the steady and dynamic performance of the motor. It is a new step motor control strategy. Based on DSP technology and torque vector control strategy, the control of two-phase hybrid stepping motor is the focus of this paper. In this paper, a novel strategy of space voltage vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) driven by two-phase three-leg inverter is introduced, which is the most widely used two-phase hybrid stepping motor. Starting from the topology of the power inverter, the working principle of the control strategy and the method of determining the parameters are introduced. The simulation module of two-phase hybrid stepping motor is built in MATLAB / Simulink simulation environment, and the simulation model of space voltage vector pulse width modulation method is built according to SVPWM modulation strategy. DSP is used as the main control unit, according to the principle of two-phase three-arm SVPWM control, the program is written, and the hardware circuit is combined to realize the two-phase three-arm SVPWM control.


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