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发布时间:2018-06-30 17:37

  本文选题:开关电源 + 正激式 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of power electronics technology, the relationship between power electronic equipment and people's work and life is increasingly close, and electronic equipment can not be separated from stable and reliable power supply. DC power supply is mainly divided into switching power supply and linear power supply. In terms of cost, the cost of switching power supply and linear power supply increase with the increase of output power, but the growth rate is different between them. At a certain output power point, the cost of linear power supply is higher than that of switching power supply, which is the cost reversal point. Under the background of constructing resource-saving and environmental protection demonstration society in China, switching power supply with the advantages of safe and environmental protection, high efficiency and energy saving, short and light and so on, has become an important research hotspot in this subject. Because of the new circuit structure and a series of measures to reduce the output ripple, the single-transistor forward switching stabilized power supply can protect itself when the output overcurrent, overvoltage, overheating and abnormal operation of the circuit. Therefore, it has a certain advanced and innovative. This topic comes from a company project, through the design of a specific type of industrial products, to master the single transistor forward switching power supply design of some basic theory such as: forward converter topology, transformer, Design of feedback loop and compensation network the basic principle and design of PWM switching converter. On the basis of studying the design process, the author further grasps the requirements and norms of product design, so as to form a strict and cautious scientific thinking and cultivate a serious and pragmatic scientific attitude. Therefore, it has high practical value and good engineering application prospect, and also provides reference and reference for the development and design of other switching power supply. In this paper, a single transistor forward switching power supply is designed. The DC input range is 36V-75V, the nominal input voltage is 48V, the output voltage is 18V, the output current is 1120mAand the output power is 20W. This power supply mainly uses integrated chips such as control chip UC3842, optoelectronic coupler PC357 and adjustable precision parallel voltage regulator TL431, which can simultaneously realize the functions of input under-voltage protection, over-current protection and reduction of maximum duty cycle. In the process of design, the following comparative experiments are done: the performance comparison of transformer with different turn ratio, the comparison of loss of MOS transistor of different types, and the comparison of efficiency of different feedback compensation loop. Through the above contrast experiment, we find an optimal design scheme. The data and waveform obtained from the test of black box, white box and margin of the prototype show that the output voltage of the power supply is stable, the voltage accuracy is less than 卤2, the voltage regulation rate is close to 卤0.5 and the load adjustment rate is less than 卤1. The output ripple voltage is not higher than 50 MV / 150 MV (peak-peak), and the ripple is smaller. All the indexes of the power supply are up to or close to the design target, and the performance is good. In this paper, the main innovation point: 1, using voltage feedback and current feedback double closed loop cascade structure, the output voltage can be very good stability, the use of optocoupler H11A1 and three-terminal adjustable voltage regulator TL431 control greatly improve the transient response speed; 3. The RCD absorption circuit and the switch protection circuit are well designed, which can effectively eliminate the leakage inductance and make the elements work stably and reliably.


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