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发布时间:2018-07-01 13:10

  本文选题:配电网投资 + 刚性投资 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a link between end users and transmission systems, distribution network is an essential link to ensure the safety and reliability of power consumption. With the rapid development of national economy, the power demand of users is rising year by year. Power supply enterprises and government departments have increased their investment in distribution network construction. How to allocate the distribution network construction funds rationally and effectively to all regions, Adapting to the development of local economy has become one of the urgent problems of distribution network. In order to improve the investment benefit, balance the development of the power grid in different regions, and consider the current situation of the distribution network and the change of the load and quantity of electricity in the market environment, this paper puts forward the system for the first time, which is suitable for the province. The model and method of the distribution network investment allocation decision in the lower level area by the municipal power supply company, and the corresponding auxiliary software for the distribution network investment distribution decision are developed, which can provide a reference for the distribution network investment allocation decision of the power supply company. First of all, the concept and calculation method of rigid investment, flexible investment, economic investment and upper and lower limit of distribution network investment are put forward for distribution network investment allocation decision. The relationship between the proportion of revamping and the service life of the equipment and the load growth rate is derived. The rigid investment is the basic investment required to meet the current load, the new load demand and some hard requirements. The flexible investment is the total investment approved by the municipal power supply company minus the basic investment, and the economic investment is the electricity quantity in place, the electricity price. The upper and lower limit of distribution network investment is used to adjust the distribution network investment reasonably. Secondly, four practical allocation models and methods involving flexible investment are put forward, which are distributed according to equal rate of return, distribution according to rigid demand of distribution network, distribution according to related electricity quantity and comprehensive distribution. However, the distribution network investment allocation is restricted by the upper and lower limits of the distribution network investment interval. Then, based on the investment distribution decision model, the corresponding distribution network investment allocation decision support software is developed. From the point of view of the application of power supply enterprises, through simple and flexible interface design and its function design, the paper provides users with practical auxiliary decision software for distribution network. Finally, taking 15 power supply companies directly under a provincial power company as the research object, according to the proposed distribution network investment allocation decision model and algorithm, this paper analyzes and studies the investment allocation data of each city company in the past year. Reasonable suggestions are put forward for the distribution network investment allocation in the planning year. Examples show the practicability, rationality and validity of the model and algorithm.


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