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发布时间:2018-07-01 16:55

  本文选题:配电网 + 变电站 ; 参考:《西安科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:配电网是电力输送到用户的最后环节,其可靠性直接影响到对用户的供电质量,配电网的最大供电能力的评估与计算也成为了评价配电网的重要指标之一。最大供电能力(Total Supply Capability, TSC)是指一定供电区域内配电网满足N-1安全准则条件下并考虑到实际运行约束下的最大负荷供应能力。 对配电网最大供电能力进行合理准确的评估与计算对提高配电网的可靠性有着重要的意义,不仅能够反映配电网的供电水平,更重要的是能够通过基于最大供电能力的一系列指标发现配电网的薄弱环节等,还能够为负荷的合理优化,提高设备的利用水平等提供指导。 目前的供电能力的研究主要集中在对计算模型的搭建和修正。计算方法主要有解析法和模型法两类,典型的有:容载比法、最大最小负荷倍数法、网络最大流法、基于直流潮流模型和交流潮流模型的计算方法以及模糊计算方法等。 本文首先对已有的最大供电能力的方法进行了比较和分析,,建立本文所需的计算模型,建立起设备的容量矩阵,负荷转移关系矩阵等。 其次建立反映限制配电网供电能力的主要因素的分层供电能力指标体系。定义了馈线层最大供电能力、变压器层最大供电能力、馈线与变压器共同约束的最大供电能力、进线层最大供电能力和综合最大供电能力等分层最大供电能力指标,定义了反映相邻层设备供电能力的匹配程度的匹配度系列指标,定义了反映各设备的实际负荷与最大供电能力条件下应供出的负荷的差异的充盈度系列指标。 最后论述了基于上述指标对限制配电网最大供电能力的因素进行分析的方法。结合实例对所提出的指标和方法进行了详细说明,结果表明了其可行性和有效性。
[Abstract]:Distribution network is the last link of power transmission to users, and its reliability directly affects the quality of power supply to users. The evaluation and calculation of the maximum power supply capacity of distribution network has become one of the important indexes of power distribution network evaluation. Total supply capability (TSC) refers to the maximum load supply capacity of the distribution network in a certain power supply area under the condition of N-1 security criterion and considering the actual operation constraints. It is important to evaluate and calculate the maximum power supply capacity of distribution network reasonably and accurately, which can not only reflect the power supply level of distribution network, but also improve the reliability of distribution network. More importantly, it can find the weak links of the distribution network through a series of indexes based on the maximum power supply capacity, and can also provide guidance for the rational optimization of the load and the improvement of the utilization level of the equipment. At present, the research of power supply capacity mainly focuses on the construction and modification of the calculation model. There are two kinds of calculation methods: analytical method and model method. Typical methods include capacity load ratio method, maximum and minimum load multiple method, network maximum flow method, calculation method based on DC power flow model and AC power flow model, and fuzzy calculation method. In this paper, the existing methods of maximum power supply capacity are compared and analyzed, and the calculation model, capacity matrix, load transfer relation matrix and so on are established. Secondly, the index system of hierarchical power supply capacity is established, which reflects the main factors that limit the power supply capacity of distribution network. The maximum power supply capacity of feeder layer, the maximum power supply capacity of transformer layer, the maximum power supply capacity of feeder and transformer, the maximum power supply capacity of feed layer and comprehensive maximum power supply ability are defined. The matching degree series index which reflects the matching degree of the power supply capacity of the adjacent layer equipment and the filling degree series index reflecting the difference between the actual load of each equipment and the load that should be supplied under the condition of the maximum power supply capacity are defined. Finally, the method of analyzing the factors limiting the maximum power supply capacity of distribution network based on the above indexes is discussed. The results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.


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