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发布时间:2018-07-04 07:36

  本文选题:汽轮机 + 中压平衡活塞汽封 ; 参考:《沈阳工程学院》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Based on the engineering practice in Kangping Power Generation Co., Ltd, it is found that the steam leakage of 600MW steam turbine with medium pressure equilibrium piston seal is large, and the economy of the unit is reduced. It is of great significance to study the leakage characteristics of medium-pressure balanced piston seal for improving the economy of the unit. In this paper, the leakage of medium pressure equilibrium piston seal is studied by numerical simulation and experiment. A three dimensional model of middle pressure equilibrium piston seal is established. The flow characteristics of steam in the steam seal clearance are analyzed by numerical simulation method, the leakage rate is calculated, and the results are compared with the experimental results, which are in good agreement with each other. The rationality of the model is explained. The influence of axial relative position and tooth shape on the leakage rate of medium pressure balanced piston seal is analyzed. There is an axial relative position between the convex table and the seal teeth on the rotor of the turbine. The influence of the relative position of the axial direction on the leakage rate is analyzed, and the relationship between the leakage rate and the wear rate is analyzed respectively under the condition of the different axial relative position. The optimum axial relative position is found, which provides technical support for the installation of steam seal block. The effect of tooth shape on leakage is analyzed, and a more reasonable tooth shape is found, which provides a theoretical basis for the design of steam seal teeth. The optimization scheme of steam seal structure is put forward, including the improvement of tooth profile and the optimization of installation position. The improved leakage characteristics are analyzed by numerical simulation, and the improved leakage rate is calculated. The influence of the improved steam seal structure on the steam turbine is analyzed from the aspects of design, processing, installation and operation, and the feasibility of the improved scheme is demonstrated. The influence of leakage amount on coal consumption of unit before and after improvement is analyzed. According to the operation of No. 2 unit, it is concluded that the cost can be saved by 200000 yuan per year.


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