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发布时间:2018-07-04 09:24

  本文选题:配电网 + 监测 ; 参考:《云南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着配电网规模的发展以及配电设备质量的讯速提升,配电网设力求定期修修模式己不适应电网及设备的管理要求,为了规范配电网状态检修管理,确保配网安全可靠运行,适应当前电网管理需要,降低维修成本,提高企业效益。国家电网公司决定开展配网状态检修工作。本糸统为配电网状态在线监测系统,对配电网的状态行进在线离线监测,为配电网状态检修辅助决策系统提供相关监测数据。将使配电网状态检修自动化的程度大大提高。 设计并实现配电网状态在线监测系统,利用计算机软件工程开展以下工作,编写三个子系统:配电网状态监测接入网关、配电网状态监测软件、离线检测辅助软件。经过具体的需求分析,可采用配电网设备状态在线监测系统的主站,状态接入网关、现场例行试验辅助软件等方式接入状态量数据,并对数据进行初步处理。状态接入网关包括前置网络通信服务、通信协议解析,数据库存储等功能。配电网状态监测软件能有效地显示状态数据、数据告警管理、报表、系统管理等。该软件利用计算机软件工程,UML,及面向对象编程技术开展工作,采用B/S, C/S相结合以分层系统架构,使用windows编程,Java Web开发技术在配电网状态监测系统中的应用。编写各个阶段的文档,包括需求分析文档、概要设计文档、详细设计文档、测试计划文档,提高系统的可实用性。本文从各方面阐述了系统的总体实施过程。
[Abstract]:With the development of the scale of distribution network and the rapid improvement of the quality of distribution equipment, it is not suitable for the distribution network to meet the requirements of the management of the power grid and equipment. In order to standardize the management of the state maintenance of distribution network, ensure the safe and reliable operation of the distribution network, it is necessary to adapt the current grid management to reduce the maintenance cost and improve the efficiency of the enterprise. The network company decides to carry out the maintenance work of the distribution network. This system is the on-line monitoring system of distribution network state, on-line monitoring of the state of the distribution network, and providing the related monitoring data for the auxiliary decision system of the distribution network condition maintenance, which will greatly improve the degree of automation of the distribution network condition based maintenance.
The on-line monitoring system of distribution network state is designed and realized, and the following work is carried out by computer software engineering. Three subsystems are written: distribution network status monitoring access gateway, distribution network state monitoring software and off-line detection auxiliary software. After specific requirements analysis, the main station of the on-line monitoring system of distribution network equipment state can be used. Access gateway, on-site routine test aided software and other ways to access state data, and to process the data preliminarily. The status access gateway includes pre network communication services, communication protocol analysis, database storage and other functions. Distribution network status monitoring software can effectively display state data, data alarm management, report, system management, etc. The software uses computer software engineering, UML, and object oriented programming technology to carry out work. The application of B/S and C/S to layered system architecture, the application of windows programming and Java Web development technology in the distribution network state monitoring system. The documents are written in each stage, including the requirements analysis document, the outline design document, and the detailed design document. The test plan document improves the practicability of the system. This paper expounds the overall implementation process of the system from various aspects.


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