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发布时间:2018-07-05 15:06

  本文选题:Buck-Boost变换器 + 混沌控制 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年博士论文

[Abstract]:Under some circuit parameters, chaos and bifurcation will occur in DC-DC converters, which can not work properly. In this paper, three basic DC-DC converters, namely, Buck converter boost converter and Buck-Boost converter, are studied how to adopt improved correlation method, state feedback method, delay differential feedback method, cubic difference form controller and ADRC technology. The problem of controlling the chaotic and bifurcation states of the converter in periodic orbits or constant values. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) based on the piecewise linear model and discrete mapping model of the converter, the bifurcation diagram, the Poincare cross section of chaotic state, the phase diagram, the switching logic diagram are studied. The inductance current waveform and the output voltage waveform verify the existence of chaos and bifurcation in the converter. (2) the improved correlation method, the state feedback method and the state feedback method are used. The delay differential feedback method and the cubic difference controller control the chaotic state of the converter in each period orbit when the input voltage is fixed. The improved correlation method realizes chaos control by improving the correlation between inductance current and output voltage. This method can control the chaotic state of the Buck converter and boost converter in the orbit of cycle 1 / 2 / 4 / 8 and the chaotic state of the Buck-Boost converter in the orbit of 2 / 3 / 4 / 6 / 89. The state feedback method is constructed by combining the idea of state feedback and parameter perturbation. The first state feedback method can control the chaotic state of the Buck converter in the orbit of 1 / 2 / 4 / 8. The second state feedback method can control the chaotic state of boost converter in the orbit of period 2 ~ (8) ~ (10) ~ (10) ~ (14). The mathematical expressions of these two state feedback methods are different. The delay differential feedback method is composed of time delay and differential feedback. The method can control the chaotic state of boost converter and Buck-Boost converter in period 1 orbit. The cubic difference controller is made up of cubic difference between output voltage and inductive current. The controller can control the chaotic state of Buck-Boost converter in the orbit of 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 4 ~ 6 ~ (8). These methods do not need to predetermine the target orbit of the system, do not depend on the internal circuit parameters of the system, but only need to adjust an external parameter to realize the chaos control of the converter. These methods can also be used to control chaos in other power electronic circuits. (3) when the input voltage is fixed or changed, the chaos and bifurcation state of the Buck converter is controlled in the constant value. ADRC technology. The change is considered a "total disturbance" to estimate and compensate for the change. By using ADRC technology, the output of the system can track the set point and the tracking error is zero. Moreover, the closed loop system with ADRC technique is robust to the change of input voltage. These results provide a new idea for controlling chaos and bifurcation in power electronic circuits.


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