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发布时间:2018-07-05 20:15

  本文选题:LLC谐振变换器 + LCC谐振变换器 ; 参考:《南京航空航天大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of modern power electronics technology, people demand higher power efficiency and power density. Soft switching technology is the most effective scheme to improve power efficiency and power density. Soft switching converter can be divided into soft switching PWM converter and resonant soft converter. The research object of this paper is the resonant soft-switching converter. The resonant inductance and resonant capacitance in the resonant circuit are used to make the voltage or current of the circuit periodically cross zero, which provides the condition of zero-voltage or zero-current switch for the switching device. The resonant converter has been widely paid attention and studied by scholars at home and abroad. In this paper, the LCC resonant converter and the LLC resonant converter in the resonant converter are studied, and their gain characteristics and main operating modes are analyzed. The main parameters of LCC resonant converter and LLC resonant converter are designed for the application of wide range constant current output. For LCC resonant converter, the influence of the size of parallel resonant capacitor CP on the performance of the converter under light load is studied, and the gain distortion of LLC resonant converter under light load is studied. The magnetic integration technology of LLC resonant converter is analyzed in theory and simulation. In this paper, three prototypes of LCC resonant converter, LLC resonant converter and magnetically integrated LLC resonant converter are completed. The experimental results show that compared with the LCC resonant converter, the LLC resonant converter has good characteristics under different output voltages, especially in the case of light load output. The operating frequency range is much smaller than that of LCC resonant converter. With the application of magnetic integration technology, the power density of LLC resonant converter is further improved. Finally, the loss analysis and calculation of LCC resonant converter and LLC resonant converter are carried out in detail, and the theoretical calculation results are very close to the actual measured efficiency.


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