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发布时间:2018-07-06 15:03

  本文选题:智能电网 + 评估指标 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:智能电网是世界电力系统发展变革的最新趋势,不仅影响到电力行业本身,而且通过前向和后向关联影响到国民经济的各个方面。因此,智能电网的建设不仅需要解决技术层面的具体实施难题,还需要从政策机制、系统规划、实施效果评估以及经济社会效益等宏观管理层面进行分析,然而目前关于智能电网宏观管理层面的研究相对较少。在这样的背景下,本文围绕智能电网发展过程中管理层面面临的发展评估、效益测评以及系统规划等关键问题展开研究,具体工作主要体现在以下几个方面: 1)构建能够同时评估智能电网发展水平和效果影响的智能电网综合评估指标体系,并基于模糊层次分析法提出智能电网的综合评估流程。其中,发展水平指标体系反映电力系统发电、输电、变电、配电、用电和调度6个环节的智能电网关键技术建设与发展程度,而效果影响指标体系反映智能电网给发电公司、电网公司、电力用户和国家社会等利益相关者带来的影响和效益。 2)运用资源经济学中的“压力-状态-响应”逻辑框架,构建智能电网社会效益测评体系。首先对智能电网社会效益的产生机理进行系统分析,即将智能电网的各项关键技术视作压力,以其引起的电力系统整体运营运行的性能及效率提高程度看作过渡状态,然后根据变量之间的因果逻辑关系建立技术指标集和状态测评模型,最后在此基础上形成智能电网社会效益测评体系。 3)基于博弈论的方法构建能够兼顾可再生能源发电公司决策影响与输电投资经济性的输电系统两层规划模型。首先运用博弈论中的Stackelberg动态博弈模型对智能电网环境下的输电系统规划过程进行分析,然后将电网公司与可再生能源发电公司分别视作博弈过程中的领导者与追随者,接着构建相应的输电系统两层规划模型。 最后对论文中所做的研究进行简要总结,并指出了该领域有待进一步深入研究的问题。
[Abstract]:Smart grid is the latest trend of power system development and transformation in the world. It not only affects the power industry itself, but also affects all aspects of the national economy through forward and backward correlation. Therefore, the construction of smart grid not only needs to solve the specific implementation problems at the technical level, but also needs to be analyzed from the macro management level, such as policy mechanism, system planning, implementation effect evaluation and economic and social benefits. However, there are few researches on the macro management of smart grid. In this context, this paper focuses on the development evaluation, benefit evaluation, system planning and other key issues in the development of smart grid. The specific work is mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1) constructing a comprehensive evaluation index system of smart grid, which can assess the development level and effect of smart grid simultaneously. Based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP), a comprehensive evaluation process of smart grid is proposed. Among them, the development level index system reflects the key technology construction and development degree of smart grid in power system, such as power generation, transmission, substation, distribution, power consumption and dispatch, while the effect impact index system reflects the smart grid power generation company. The influence and benefit of power grid company, power user and national society. 2) using the "pressure-state-response" logic framework in resource economics, the social benefit evaluation system of smart grid is constructed. Firstly, the mechanism of social benefits of smart grid is systematically analyzed. The key technologies of smart grid are regarded as pressure, and the performance and efficiency improvement of power system is regarded as the transition state. Then, according to the causal logic relationship between variables, the set of technical indicators and the state evaluation model are established. Finally, the social benefit evaluation system of smart grid is formed. 3) based on game theory, a two-layer planning model of transmission system is constructed, which can take into account the influence of renewable energy generation company's decision and the economy of transmission investment. Firstly, the Stackelberg dynamic game model in game theory is used to analyze the transmission system planning process in the smart grid environment, and then grid companies and renewable energy generation companies are regarded as leaders and followers in the game process. Then the corresponding two-tier programming model of transmission system is constructed. Finally, the research in this paper is summarized briefly, and the problems in this field are pointed out.


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