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发布时间:2018-07-07 12:47

  本文选题:次同步振荡 + 静止同步补偿器 ; 参考:《中国煤炭》2014年S1期

[Abstract]:The suppression of subsynchronous oscillation by static synchronous compensator (Statcom) is studied. The analysis shows that when Statcom and its control system are modeled in dq-coordinate system, the rotor speed deviation of the unit shaft system is directly used to feed back to the controller as an iq additional instruction, and it is not necessary to make a change in advance as described in previous literatures. It can also produce sub-synchronous and supersonic current and damping shafting sub-synchronous oscillation. Based on this, a new control strategy and control block diagram design are proposed, including the feedforward decoupling control method to improve the ability of sub-synchronous current tracking. Digital simulation of complex power system shows that Statcom with this control strategy has good damping SSO effect.
【作者单位】: 中国神华能源股份有限公司国华电力分公司;


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