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发布时间:2018-07-07 22:11

  本文选题:分布式电源 + 小电流接地系统 ; 参考:《电机与控制学报》2014年08期

[Abstract]:The characteristics of transient zero sequence current in a single phase grounding fault containing distributed power supply (DG) and DG are compared and analyzed. It is concluded that the addition of DG does not affect the transient zero sequence current distribution of each line. Because there are multiple frequency components in the transient zero sequence current, the fault line and the sound line are for a certain frequency. The current phase (direction) is opposite, but the superposition of multiple frequencies will make the directivity become blurred. The Mallat algorithm of wavelet transform is used to decompose and reconstruct the transient zero sequence current of each line, thus the low frequency approximation part of aN and the high frequency detail dN. are obtained, and the line selection criterion is proposed: for the small current grounding system containing DG, In the initial phase of the transient zero sequence current, the amplitude of the transient zero sequence current of the fault line is the sum of the amplitudes of all the sound lines, and the phase is opposite to the sound line. Finally, the simulation model is established, and the simulation experiments are carried out on the neutral point of the grounding system and the neutral point ungrounded system with DG neutral point, and the experimental results prove that the formula is used. The method has the advantages of accurate fault identification, high sensitivity and high practicability.
【作者单位】: 上海电力学院自动化工程学院;福建省电力有限公司检修分公司;


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10 尹璐e,




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