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发布时间:2018-07-10 02:50

  本文选题:校园路灯 + 监控系统 ; 参考:《辽宁工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,随着我国经济的快速发展,城市及居民的用电量不断攀升。虽然我国的发电量逐年增长,但供小于求的矛盾还是不断发生,特别是在用电高峰的季节,,供电紧张的现象经常出现。与此形成鲜明对比的是,公共场所的照明由于管理技术比较落后,浪费现象尤为严重,这与我国建设节约型社会的目标是背道而驰的。高校作为人文的发源地,发展公共照明先进技术,对整个社会是具有指导性意义的。路灯作为高校主要的公共照明,存在着诸多问题:路灯能源利用率低、电能耗高及管理不健全等。学校每年都要为这些浪费现象付出巨大的代价。因此,建立一套科学的路灯照明系统对高校和整个社会是具有重大意义的。 本文针对校园路灯存在的能耗高、管理效率低等现状,设计了高校校园路灯监控系统。该系统是基于ZigBee无线传感技术和模糊控制算法于一体的智能监控系统,集成了稳压控制、调光控制、远程控制及人性化的监控界面,整个系统具有操作性高、简单易懂、可靠性和稳定性强等特点。 基于模糊控制算法的稳压控制、LED恒流控制、ZigBee无线定位及监控系统的经纬控制是本系统的主要特点。利用电流电压传感器采集到的电量信号作为模糊控制器的输入,通过控制算法得出LED路灯的电流输出,实现LED路灯的恒流调光控制。而结合ZigBee的定位功能,能便捷的为路灯管理人员提供每盏路灯实时运行状况,提高管理效率。运用Labwindows/CVI设计的监控界面不仅方便实时监测路灯运行状况,同时兼顾了用户习惯,具有友好的人机交流。监控系统中的经纬控制算法能确定高校所在区域的日升日落时间,进而实时的进行路灯的开关控制。整个系统从监控到下位机都努力的使路灯控制更切合实际,实现路灯的高效节能控制。 总之,本文在考察了高校路灯实际运行状况下,结合ZigBee无线技术和模糊控制算法、经纬控制算法,设计了高校校园路灯监控系统,为校园路灯的高效节能运行提供了有效的改善途径和创新思路。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid economic development of our country, the electricity consumption of cities and residents is increasing. Although the power generation in China is increasing year by year, the contradiction of supply less than demand is still happening, especially in the season of peak power consumption. The management technology is relatively backward and the waste phenomenon is particularly serious, which is contrary to the goal of building a conservation oriented society. As the birthplace of humanity, the development of advanced public lighting technology is of guiding significance to the whole society. As the main public lighting of colleges and universities, street lamps have many problems: the use of street lamps energy. Low rates, high energy consumption and unsound management. Schools have to pay a huge price for these wastes every year. Therefore, it is of great significance to establish a set of scientific street lighting system for universities and the society as a whole.
In view of the high energy consumption and low management efficiency of campus street lamps, the campus street lamp monitoring system is designed. This system is an intelligent monitoring system based on ZigBee wireless sensing technology and fuzzy control algorithm. It integrates the voltage control, light control control, remote control and humanized monitoring interface, and the whole system has operation. It has the characteristics of high performance, simple and easy to understand, strong reliability and stability.
Based on the fuzzy control algorithm, the LED constant current control, the constant current control of the ZigBee wireless positioning and the monitoring system are the main features of this system. Using the electric quantity signal collected by the current and voltage sensor as the input of the fuzzy controller, the current output of the LED street lamp is obtained through the control algorithm, and the constant current regulation control of the LED street lamp is realized. Combining with the positioning function of ZigBee, it is convenient to provide the street lamp managers with the real-time running status of each street lamp and improve the management efficiency. The monitoring interface designed by Labwindows/CVI not only facilitates real-time monitoring of the running status of street lamps, but also takes into account the user habits and friendly human-computer communication. The latitude and longitude control algorithm in the monitoring system is used. It can determine the sunrise time of the area in which the university is located, and then control the switch of the street lamp in real time. The whole system works hard to make the street light control more realistic from the monitoring to the lower machine, so as to realize the high efficiency and energy saving control of the street lamp.
In a word, this paper has designed the campus street light monitoring system with ZigBee wireless technology and fuzzy control algorithm and the latitude and longitude control algorithm, which provides effective ways and innovative ideas for the efficient and energy-saving operation of campus street lights.


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