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发布时间:2018-07-11 18:12

  本文选题:LED + 发光效率 ; 参考:《电子器件》2015年06期

【摘要】:为了提高Ga N基LED的发光效率,缓解LED在大电流注入下的效率下降的问题,我们采用在传统的u型Ga N垒层中插入7 nm的P型层的方法来改善多量子阱层中的空穴分布,提高载流子的辐射复合速率。实验结果表明:在垒层中插入7 nm的P型层使得LED中空穴的分布更加均匀,载流子的辐射复合速率提高了20%。同时器件在200 m A的注入电流下内量子效率提高了36.3%,发光功率从100 m W提高到140 m W。
[Abstract]:In order to improve the luminescence efficiency of GaN-based LEDs and alleviate the problem of LED efficiency decreasing under high current injection, we adopted the method of inserting a 7nm P-type layer into the traditional U-type gan barrier layer to improve the hole distribution in the multiple quantum well layer. The radiation recombination rate of carriers is increased. The experimental results show that the hole distribution in LED is more uniform and the radiation recombination rate of carrier is increased by 20% by inserting 7 nm P-type layer into the barrier layer. At the same time, the quantum efficiency of the device increases by 36.3 and the luminescence power increases from 100 MW to 140 MW at 200 Ma injection current.
【作者单位】: 洛阳理工学院电气工程与自动化学院;


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