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发布时间:2018-07-16 19:06
【摘要】:随着计算机技术的普及和发展,计算机辅助设计工程(Computer Aided Engineering,CAE)的应用越来越广泛,CAE系统的功能和计算精度都得到了很大的提高。电气设备由于其工作特性,通常工作在“电-磁-热-流体”场的多物理场耦合的工作环境,在研发设计初期,电气设备的多物理场耦合分析至关重要,不仅能降低设计成本,还能缩短设计和分析周期。本论文选择三种电气设备进行多物理场耦合分析与设计:双凸极电机,母线型MEI滤波器以及干式空心电抗器,对应着旋转类电气设备、新结构类电气设备和静止类电气设备。全文按照层层推进的顺序,包含如下几部分:在电机部分,首先建立了双凸极电机多物理耦合模型,并提出以静制动有限元的方法来处理电机的旋转问题,在此基础上结合实验求解出一类硅钢片的磁滞损耗系数,并且将此系数应用于采用该类硅钢片的电机中求解其损耗,通过电磁场与热流场的数据双向耦合,分析电机的热流场分布,并通过实验验证该方法的有效性。在母线型EMI滤波器部分,首先阐述了母线型EMI滤波器这种新型集成式EMI滤波器的原理和制作工艺,对制得的样品进行多物理场耦合有限元建模分析,提取新型结构的电磁参数和滤波器在90℃时的载流量;针对该滤波器的结构特点,提出了既能保持高频下的计算精度又能减少计算量的准分布参数模型,并预测滤波器的高频性能。分析该类滤波器结构电感不足的缺点,提出了增强电感的方案,并应用在功率变换器中。在干式空心电抗器部分,提出了多变量预处理、主辅双约束的优化算法,在建立电抗器多物理场耦合有限元模型的基础上,提取优化所需的各类参数,在整个多物理场耦合分析中,优化算法参与到其前处理、求解和后处理中,通过有限元模型重构来实现优化算法的迭代,实现了优化算法与有限元的一体化,并通过算例验证该方法的有效性。全文通过这样的层层推进模式:以多物理场耦合分析为基础,从电气设备的分析、设计和优化方面分别以电机、母线型EMI滤波器和干式空心电抗器为例进行论述。为工程实际应用提供了参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:With the popularization and development of computer technology, the application of computer Aided engineering (CAE) is becoming more and more extensive. Because of its working characteristics, electrical equipment usually works in the working environment of "electric-magnetic-thermal-fluid" field coupling. In the early stage of development and design, the multi-physical field coupling analysis of electrical equipment is very important, which can not only reduce the design cost. It also shortens the design and analysis cycle. In this paper, three kinds of electrical equipment are selected for multi-physical field coupling analysis and design: double salient motor, bus type MEI filter and dry hollow reactor, corresponding to rotary electrical equipment, new structure electrical equipment and static electrical equipment. The whole paper consists of the following parts: in the motor part, the multi-physical coupling model of doubly salient motor is established, and the static braking finite element method is proposed to deal with the rotating problem of the motor. On the basis of this, the hysteresis loss coefficient of a kind of silicon steel sheet is solved by experiments, and the coefficient is applied to solve the loss in the motor of this kind of silicon steel sheet. The electromagnetic field and the data of the heat flow field are coupled bidirectionally. The distribution of heat flow field of motor is analyzed, and the validity of this method is verified by experiments. In the part of generatrix EMI filter, the principle and fabrication process of bus EMI filter, a new integrated EMI filter, are introduced. The electromagnetic parameters of the new structure and the carrier current of the filter at 90 鈩,




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