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发布时间:2018-07-17 07:42
【摘要】:随着世界各国对环境保护的逐步重视,绿色健康的生活理念越来越被当今都市人所推崇,以石油为主的不可再生能源的短缺问题的不断凸显和环境的不断恶化,直接推动了拥有节能和环保两大优势的电动汽车迅速发展。动力锂电池作为现阶段电动汽车动力电池中的主要成员,对其充电技术的研究意义重大。 文章首先概述了现阶段各国电动汽车产业的发展状况,,列举了动力锂电池在技术上存在的主要问题,确定充电技术作为本文的主要研究内容。然后分析了动力锂电池工作原理、充放电特性、最佳充电曲线和电池极化现象,为后续充电技术的研究打下基础。接着对锂电池的充电方法进行研究,在传统的四种充电方法的基础上提出一种变电流快速充电方法,其主要分为小电流涓流充电、分段恒流充电和脉冲充电三个阶段。其中分段恒流充电阶段,采用容量控制法对电池充电电流进行控制,使其不断接近电池最佳充电曲线。在脉冲充电阶段,设计一种电压负增长率控制方法对电池的满充状态进行准确的控制。同时在Matlab/Simulnik软件平台上构造锂电池的PNGV等效模型,设计锂电池充电电路,对于变电流快速充电进行仿真,将仿真结果与传统的充电方法进行比较,以验证变电流快速充电方法的优越性。接着对于电池组均衡控制进行分析,提出了一种变电阻均衡控制技术,采用数字编码方法设计数字可变电阻器,在Matlab/Simulnik软件中构建可变电阻模型,采用S函数编写均衡控制程序,对于六块初始电压不同的单体锂电池进行均衡控制,使电池电压达到一致,通过仿真验证了变电阻均衡控制的可行性。 随后,选用美国ATMEL公司生产的一款控制芯片搭建锂电池的智能充电实验平台,以2200mAh聚合物动力锂离子电池作为研究对象,对于本文研究的变电流快速充电、变电阻均衡控制和电压负增长率控制方法进行实验验证。记录了充电数据,验证这些方法的可行性,基本上达到了研究的预期目标。最后对于本文的研究内容进行总结,对未来研究技术进行展望。
[Abstract]:With the gradual attention of the world to the environmental protection, the concept of green and healthy life is more and more respected by the urban people nowadays. The shortage of non-renewable energy, which is mainly oil, is becoming increasingly prominent and the environment is getting worse and worse. Directly promoted the energy-saving and environmental protection of the two major advantages of the rapid development of electric vehicles. As the main member of electric vehicle power battery, the research of power lithium battery charging technology is of great significance. This paper first summarizes the current development of electric vehicle industry in various countries, lists the main technical problems of power lithium battery, and determines charging technology as the main research content of this paper. Then, the working principle, charge-discharge characteristics, optimal charging curve and polarization phenomena of the battery are analyzed, which lays a foundation for the research of the subsequent charging technology. Then the charging method of lithium battery is studied. Based on the traditional four charging methods, a variable current fast charging method is proposed, which is mainly divided into three stages: small current charging, segmented constant current charging and pulse charging. In the stage of subsection constant current charging, the capacity control method is used to control the charging current of the battery, which makes it close to the optimal charging curve of the battery. In the pulse charging stage, a negative voltage growth control method is designed to accurately control the full charge state of the battery. At the same time, the PNGV equivalent model of lithium battery is constructed on Matlab / Simulnik software platform, the charging circuit of lithium battery is designed, and the variable current rapid charging is simulated. The simulation results are compared with the traditional charging method. In order to verify the advantages of variable current fast charging method. Then, the equalization control of battery pack is analyzed, and a variable resistor equalization control technique is proposed. The digital variable resistor is designed by digital coding method. The variable resistance model is constructed in Matlab / Simulnik software, and the equalization control program is written by S function. Six lithium batteries with different initial voltage are equalized to achieve the same voltage. The feasibility of variable resistance equalization control is verified by simulation. Subsequently, a control chip produced by Atmel Corporation was selected to build an intelligent charging experimental platform for lithium battery. The 2200mAh polymer powered lithium ion battery was used as the research object, and the variable current rapid charging was studied in this paper. The methods of variable resistance equalization control and negative voltage growth rate control are verified experimentally. The charging data are recorded, and the feasibility of these methods is verified. Finally, the research content of this paper is summarized, and the future research technology is prospected.


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