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发布时间:2018-07-17 19:34
【摘要】:为了研究某典型300 MW燃煤电厂汞迁移转化规律,对入炉煤、炉渣、石灰石、脱硫工艺水、石膏、脱硫废水、灰中的汞进行了取样测试。并采用EPA30B和安大略法实测了不同位置烟气中汞的形态分布情况。通过系统的汞质量平衡核算,得出各样品中汞所占的比例,在此基础上分析得到汞的迁移转化规律。结果表明,汞在煤渣中呈耗散状态,飞灰则具有一定富集汞的能力。袋式除尘器灰(0.016)的富集因子略高于电除尘器灰(0.094)的富集因子,可以看出袋式除尘器捕集颗粒汞的能力更强一些。烟囱排放的烟气是煤中汞的主要迁移方向,烟气经湿法脱硫系统后减少的汞主要富集在脱硫废水中,可以看出由湿法脱硫系统去除的汞大部分是可溶于水的二价汞。
[Abstract]:In order to study the mercury migration and transformation rule of a typical 300MW coal-fired power plant, the mercury in coal, slag, limestone, desulfurization process water, gypsum, desulfurization wastewater and ash were sampled and tested. The speciation distribution of mercury in flue gas was measured by EPA30B and Ontario method. Through systematic mercury mass balance accounting, the proportion of mercury in each sample is obtained, and on the basis of this, the migration and transformation law of mercury is obtained. The results show that mercury is dissipative in cinder and fly ash has the ability to enrich mercury to some extent. The enrichment factor of bag dust (0.016) is slightly higher than that of electrostatic precipitator (0.094). Flue gas emitted by chimney is the main migration direction of mercury in coal. The mercury reduced from flue gas after wet desulfurization system is mainly concentrated in desulfurization wastewater. It can be seen that most of the mercury removed by wet desulfurization system is divalent mercury soluble in water.
【作者单位】: 国网辽宁省电力有限公司电力科学研究院;中电投东北电力有限公司抚顺热电分公司;


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