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发布时间:2018-07-17 20:44
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology and the improvement of people's living standard, more and more occasions need a very stable platform environment, so as to reduce the vibration interference to the relevant devices or equipment. It is difficult to obtain an ideal stable environment under natural conditions, so it is of great value to study a kind of high precision and low cost stabilized cloud head control system. Aiming at creating a stable platform, the attitude control system based on arm is studied in this paper. In this paper, the structure of the cloud head and the physical model of the stability of the cloud head are discussed, and the working principle of the active vibration suppression is analyzed, and then the motion sensor of MEMS based on the Cortex-M3 microcontroller is constructed as the attitude detection unit of the cloud head. The permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is an action executive unit, the magnetic coding sensor is the rotor position feedback unit of the motor, and the attitude control system of the stabilized cloud head is used as the core. On this basis, the attitude calculation algorithm of cloud head and the Field-Oriented-Control algorithm of motor are discussed. The strapdown inertial navigation system is composed of a three-axis accelerometer and a three-axis gyroscope in the calculation of the attitude of the cloud head. The Euler angle is extracted by calculating the quaternion of the attitude, which has the characteristics of small computation and high detection accuracy. At the same time, how to use the elliptical fitting algorithm to correct the heading angle by using the geomagnetometer is also studied, which further ensures the accuracy of the attitude detection of the cloud head. On the control strategy of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), in order to realize the rotor position oriented control, the field oriented control technology based on coordinate transformation and voltage space vector control is studied. The application of the non-contact magnetic encoder in measuring the rotor position of the motor is also studied, which provides the guarantee for the closed-loop control of the motor angle, speed and current. At the same time, in order to further simplify the circuit design, reduce the size of the circuit board and reduce the cost of the cloud head, the application of single-resistance sampling three-phase current reconstruction technology in this system is studied. In the whole design process, the modular design idea is adopted, the attitude detection and motor control unit are all controlled by a single microcontroller, and the actions are coordinated by means of IIC communication between each other. The system design difficulty is simplified and the control precision and stability of the system are improved. Finally, the initial value reading of MEMS sensor and the calculation of attitude Euler angle are completed by experiment, and the course angle correction is realized. The controller prototype of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is made, and the feasibility of the system is verified.


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