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发布时间:2018-07-18 11:52
【摘要】:能源是人类赖以生存和发展的基础,随着时间的推移,由于不合理的能源结构和较低的能源利用率导致了很多社会和环境问题。提高能源利用效率、改善能源结构是解决我国经济和社会快速发展过程中日益凸显的能源需求增长与能源紧缺、能源利用与环境保护之间矛盾的必然选择。基于新能源开发利用的分布式发电(Distributed Generation, DG)越来越受到重视,发展潜力不可估量,而光伏发电是分布式电源的重要组成部分。光伏发电具有环保节能、高效性、灵活性等优势外,其接入也会对配电网的运行方式、电压分布、网络损耗、谐波以及可靠性等一系列问题产生影响,需要分布式电源相应政策以及对配电网的相互影响进行分析研究。主要研究内容有: (一)总结了分布式发电对配电网电压分布、网损、可靠性和谐波分布的影响规律并提出了保障分布式发电和配电网安全可靠运行的相关建议和措施; (二)研究了分布式发电对配电网规划的影响; (三)阐述、比较国内外分布式电源相关技术标准; (四)分布式光伏在烟台地区的应用; (五)分析了国内外关于分布式发电宏观政策、电价政策、财政补贴政策和市场开拓政策,指出了现行的分布式发电相关政策尚有不足之处,并提出相关解决建议措施。
[Abstract]:Energy is the basis of human survival and development. With the passage of time, many social and environmental problems are caused by unreasonable energy structure and low energy efficiency. To improve the efficiency of energy use and improve the energy structure is the inevitable choice to solve the contradiction between energy demand and energy shortage, energy utilization and environmental protection in the process of rapid economic and social development in China. Distributed generation (DG) based on the development and utilization of new energy has been paid more and more attention, and its potential is inestimable. Photovoltaic (PV) generation is an important part of DG. In addition to the advantages of environmental protection, high efficiency, flexibility and so on, photovoltaic power generation will also have an impact on the operation mode, voltage distribution, network loss, harmonics and reliability of the distribution network. It is necessary to analyze and study the corresponding policies of distributed generation and the interaction of distribution network. The main research contents are as follows: (1) the voltage distribution and network loss of distributed generation to distribution network are summarized. The influence law of reliability and harmonic distribution and the related suggestions and measures to ensure the safe and reliable operation of distributed generation and distribution network are put forward. (2) the influence of distributed generation on distribution network planning is studied. (3) expounding and comparing the technical standards of distributed power generation at home and abroad; (4) the application of distributed photovoltaic in Yantai area; (5) analyzing the macro policy of distributed generation at home and abroad. Electricity price policy, financial subsidy policy and market development policy, pointed out that the existing distributed generation related policies still have shortcomings, and put forward relevant measures to solve the problem.


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9 MEB 记者 何s,




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