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发布时间:2018-07-24 14:17
[Abstract]:Transformer is one of the most important electrical equipment in power system. Most of the faults of transformer are caused by insulation damage. Reliable insulation structure design is not only the guarantee of the stable operation of transformer, At the same time, it is also related to the security of power system and the distribution and utilization of electric energy. The main longitudinal insulation design of transformers is the core part of large power transformers, especially ultra-high voltage and ultra-high voltage power transformers. It is not only of decisive significance to the operation safety and reliability of transformers. Moreover, it has an extremely important influence on the economic index of transformer. This paper mainly analyzes the main longitudinal insulation of power transformer with SSZ11-180000/220. The electric field in the central part of the main insulation is analyzed by using the Ansoft finite element analysis software. The position of the maximum electric field strength and the insulation margin are determined, and the weak points of the insulation are found, and the calculated results are compared with those of the traditional analytical method. In this paper, the wave process of high voltage winding is calculated, the gradient distribution of the ring along the line is obtained, and the corresponding insulation margin is analyzed. The calculation and analysis of main insulation under impulse voltage are also discussed, and the electric field distribution is obtained. Compared with the maximum electric field intensity of the central model, the maximum electric field intensity of the composite electric field under impulse voltage is higher than that of the central model. It is proved that the composite electric field should be checked for insulation analysis of power transformer to ensure the safety margin of insulation design. Aiming at the large longitudinal insulation margin of SSZ11-180000/220 power transformer, this paper puts forward the improvement of turn insulation from 1.95mm to 0.95mm. Through the calculation and analysis of the new insulation structure, it is verified that the main insulation and the longitudinal insulation in the new insulation structure are deficient. The wire cake angle ring is added at the first end 1-8 cake, and the shielding mode of the high-voltage winding is improved from four screens to two screens. The reliability of the new insulation structure is improved. Finally, it is concluded that the new insulation structure is feasible.


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