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发布时间:2018-07-25 18:11
【摘要】:OLED照明器件是继白炽灯、荧光灯、LED灯后的第四代新型光源。OLED照明器件具有高效节能、大面积发光、光线柔和、可弯可卷、无紫外辐射、低热量、不含汞、制造成本低、对环境无污染等优点。近年来世界众多知名企业也相继投入大量资源,进行OLED照明技术的研发和产业化布局。本论文的研究目的为通过TracePro软件对OLED照明器件进行光学设计和仿真,获得OLED照明器件发光的光线分布特性,并与理论计算的出光率进行比较,优化OLED器件结构。除此之外,利用SpecWinLight软件分析PR655测得的光谱数据,实现OLED照明器件CRI的测试,并通过设计红外控制系统实现OLED照明系统的自动控制。本文首先介绍了OLED照明器件的发光工作原理、TracePro软件和Spec Win Light软件的特性和工作原理,并研究了OLED照明器件的出光率。然后利用TracePro软件对OLED照明器件的各层材料和特性参数进行定义,建立OLED照明器件的仿真模型,仿真OLED照明器件模型的光学分布特性,获得的实际仿真出光率与理论计算所得的出光率基本一致。接着运用SpecWin Light软件对公司现有的分光光度计PR650所测的光谱数据进行分析,获得OLED照明器件的CRI特性参数。最后通过对红外控制系统电路的设计和研究,实现OLED照明系统的自动控制。本论文中TracePro软件的仿真工作有助于进一步理解和掌握OLED的光线分布特性。基于SpecWin Light软件的OLED照明器件的测试工作完成和实现OLED照明器件的CRI测试系统的建立,为公司节约了专门用于CRI参数测试的新设备的购置费,该设备费用约25万元,同时推动公司“OLED照明技术研究及样品开发项目”顺利完成。在以上两部分工作的基础上,设计和研究了基于红外控制系统电路的OLED照明系统,实现了OLED照明系统的自动控制,拓宽了公司在OLED照明的应用领域,巩固了公司在国内OLED产业领域的领先优势地位,为公司后续在OLED照明领域的进一步研发及产业化奠定了基础。
[Abstract]:OLED lighting device is the fourth generation light source after incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp. OLED lighting device has the advantages of high efficiency and energy saving, large area luminous, soft light, curable reel, no ultraviolet radiation, low heat, no mercury and low manufacturing cost. No pollution to the environment and other advantages. In recent years, many famous enterprises in the world have also invested a lot of resources to carry out the research and development and industrialization layout of OLED lighting technology. The purpose of this paper is to design and simulate the OLED lighting device by TracePro software, and obtain the light distribution characteristics of the OLED illumination device, and compare it with the theoretical calculation of the luminous rate, and optimize the structure of OLED device. In addition, the spectral data measured by PR655 are analyzed by SpecWinLight software, and the CRI of OLED illumination device is tested, and the automatic control of OLED illumination system is realized by designing infrared control system. In this paper, the luminescence principle of OLED lighting device and the characteristics and working principle of Spec Win Light software are introduced, and the luminous rate of OLED lighting device is studied. Then the material and characteristic parameters of each layer of OLED lighting device are defined by TracePro software, and the simulation model of OLED lighting device is established, and the optical distribution characteristic of OLED lighting device model is simulated. The light output rate obtained from the simulation is basically consistent with that obtained by theoretical calculation. Then, the spectral data measured by PR650 spectrophotometer are analyzed by SpecWin Light software, and the CRI characteristic parameters of OLED lighting device are obtained. Finally, through the design and research of the infrared control system circuit, the automatic control of OLED lighting system is realized. The simulation work of TracePro software in this thesis is helpful for further understanding and mastering the ray distribution characteristics of OLED. The testing work of OLED lighting device based on SpecWin Light software and the establishment of CRI test system for OLED lighting device are completed. The purchase cost of the new equipment specially used for CRI parameter testing is saved for the company. The cost of the equipment is about 250000 yuan. At the same time promote the company's "OLED lighting technology research and sample development project" successfully completed. Based on the above two parts, this paper designs and studies the OLED lighting system based on the infrared control system circuit, realizes the automatic control of the OLED lighting system, and widens the application field of the company in the OLED lighting. It has consolidated the company's leading position in the field of domestic OLED industry and laid the foundation for the further research and development and industrialization of the company in the field of OLED lighting.


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