[Abstract]:The power system of iron and steel enterprise has the characteristics of heavy load, high energy consumption, strong production continuity, large single machine capacity, large impact load and three-phase imbalance. These characteristics determine that the monitoring, dispatching and optimizing control of power system of iron and steel enterprises involve power generation. Transmission, substation, distribution, electricity and other links, and closely coupled with the main process production. Through the construction of the power network automation system, the communication between substations and other basic functions, the load forecasting research and power flow stability analysis of the power system in the iron and steel plant can be realized. It provides guidance for practical operation and stability analysis of power system in iron and steel plant. This paper focuses on the following three parts: (1) the data acquisition, communication and other functional requirements of the power system integrated automation system are studied, and the 220kV iron and steel substation acquisition system is designed in combination with the actual situation. It provides basic support for power system load forecasting. (2) the load forecasting method of power system in iron and steel plant is deeply studied, and the method of logic judgment and decision making is put forward. It provides theoretical guidance for power operation and power flow stability analysis. (3) the power flow calculation and stability analysis of power system are studied and simulated, and the variation of generation system and various power network faults are analyzed. It can guide the stable operation of power grid.
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