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发布时间:2018-07-26 17:58
[Abstract]:The operation and maintenance of power cable is mainly divided into four parts: the joint monitoring of power cable, the inspection of power cable line, the anti-loss measures of power cable line, and the infrared temperature measurement of power cable. The connection monitoring of power cable is carried out before the cable is put into operation, the purpose of which is to ensure that the intermediate joint and terminal joint of power cable meet the requirements of installation process and reduce the possibility of failure caused by improper installation. The line inspection of power cable includes line inspection, substation cycle patrol and important line maintenance patrol, which is the routine work of cable operation and maintenance. The anti-loss measures of power cable line are a series of working methods summarized through many years' experience and lessons according to the actual situation. The characteristics are that they are detailed and highly targeted, and at the same time, with the progress of science and technology, they are still being perfected. The infrared temperature measurement of power cable is the most widely used on-line monitoring method to measure the temperature of the running cable by using the infrared thermometer to determine whether it has any defects or not. With the deepening of urban reconstruction and construction, the proportion of power cable in urban power network is increasing, the network structure of power cable is becoming more and more complex, and the aging of power cable is aggravated by the increasing running time. The number of failures continues to increase. The proper fault detection method of power cable can help the emergency repair personnel to locate the fault point quickly and recover the power supply.


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