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发布时间:2018-07-27 13:58
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy in our country, people pay more attention to saving energy and advocate the application of "green lighting", especially the requirement of replacing traditional incandescent lamps with various energy-saving lamps. In this paper, the protection circuit is designed for the drive chip of a single-chip energy-saving lamp, which can adapt to the stable, high efficiency and low heat dissipation in the civil AC 220V working environment. The specialized device integration module used in this chip can isolate each device well and reduce the design volume, working process and response time as much as possible. The protection circuit of the drive chip is mainly designed for pulse trigger circuit, fault timer short circuit protection, peripheral resistance temperature detection, abnormal voltage and current control circuit, current sampling and comparison circuit and ESD anti-static protection circuit. To achieve the entire chip functional modules to achieve effective protection. In this paper, the circuit diagram of each unit circuit of the protection circuit is designed, and the simulation and experimental test are completed. By comparing with the design parameters, the experimental results of this circuit can reach the expected standard, and can run with low power consumption and high efficiency under the condition of ensuring reliability. The compact layout design of the whole drive circuit has practical significance for the energy saving lamp with volume requirement. The protection circuit designed in this paper can be used in the drive chip of energy-saving lamp with LED as power device. It can also be used in other low-power energy-saving lamp products from the analysis of design characteristics. Design protection circuit part of the implementation and test simulation. The integrated module of specialized devices used in this chip can reduce the disadvantages of electromagnetic and optical coupling isolation, and effectively control the size of the chip and shorten the response time. This design can make the chip have better packaging form and packaging material to achieve low power consumption under the condition of reliability, good heat dissipation effect, and reduce the cost. For each part of the drive circuit, a simulated working platform is set up in the experimental environment, and the collection and design of the parameters are completed by using the experimental test instrument. Through the analysis of the test results, the designed chip can meet the required function and work standard, which ensures the heat dissipation, stability, good working efficiency in the chip work, and can be used in the production of energy-saving lamp products. The semiconductor material of ESD protection circuit is analyzed and selected, and the electrostatic protection technology in mass production environment is introduced. A protection circuit of power drive chip is designed for LED energy saving lamp. The definition and function of the components used in the design are introduced, and the realization of the protection circuit is emphasized, and the layout design of the chip driving circuit is completed on the basis of the platform.


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