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发布时间:2018-07-28 08:11
【摘要】:相同感应地电场作用下,不同电压等级输电线路的地磁感应电流(geomagnetically induced currents,GIC)大小不同,以往的GIC计算集中在电网最高电压等级线路,通常忽略其他电压等级线路的GIC。交流特高压电网建设使我国电网增加了1 000 kV电压等级,综合考虑线路长度、单位阻值等GIC影响因素,准确计算包括500 kV超高压及1 000 kV特高压的多电压等级电网的GIC是重要研究课题。以我国多电压等级电网(三华电网)为例,分别考虑1 000 kV单电压等级网络(称电网1)和500、1 000 kV双电压等级网络(称电网2),建立了电网1及电网2的全节点GIC模型并提出了多电压等级电网的GIC算法,计算了两种感应地电场情况下电网1及电网2的GIC,比较了两种情况下电网1及电网2的GIC计算结果。计算结果表明,500 kV超高压电网的GIC对1 000 kV特高压变电站的GIC水平有较大的影响,在多电压等级电网的GIC计算中,不能只计算最高电压等级电网的GIC,而忽略次级高压电网GIC的影响。
[Abstract]:Under the same inductive geoelectric field, the magnitude of geomagnetic induced current (geomagnetically induced) of transmission lines with different voltage levels is different. In the past, the calculation of GIC was concentrated on the highest voltage level lines of the power network, and the GICs of other voltage-level lines were usually ignored. The construction of AC UHV power network has increased the voltage grade of 1 000 kV in China's power network, considering the GIC influence factors such as line length, unit resistance and so on. It is an important research topic to calculate accurately the GIC of multi-voltage power network including 500kV UHV and 1000 kV UHV. Take our country's multi-voltage power grid (Sanhua Power Network) as an example, Considering 1 000 kV single voltage grade network (1) and 500 1 000 kV double voltage level network (2) respectively, the full-node GIC model of power network 1 and 2 is established, and the GIC algorithm of multi-voltage grade network is proposed. The GICs of power grid 1 and grid 2 under two kinds of induced geoelectric field are calculated, and the GIC results of grid 1 and power grid 2 are compared. The calculation results show that the GIC of 500kV UHV network has a great influence on the GIC level of 1 000 kV UHV substation, and in the GIC calculation of multi-voltage grade power network, We can't only calculate the GICs of the highest voltage level grid, but ignore the influence of the GIC of the secondary high voltage power network.
【作者单位】: 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室(华北电力大学);
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51177045) 国家863高技术基金项目(2012AA121005) 国家科技部国际合作计划项目(2010DFA64680)~~


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