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发布时间:2018-07-31 19:43
[Abstract]:The reliable operation of power equipment is related to the safety of super large scale transmission and distribution and the state grid. Therefore, the research on the reliability of power equipment has important practical significance. Fault diagnosis of power equipment is an important measure to ensure the safe operation of power equipment, so it has become an important research topic in the field of power system and automation. Power equipment fault is an important factor that endangers the safe operation of power network, and the current carrying fault is one of the main types of power equipment fault. Aiming at the current carrying fault of power equipment, this paper presents a complete diagnosis algorithm for current carrying fault of power equipment from the aspects of mechanism analysis, data mining and other technical achievements, such as neural network, chaotic time series analysis and so on. Based on the analysis of the actual operating temperature data from a power plant, the current carrying faults of power equipment can be divided into two types: the fault pattern of temperature rising rapidly and exceeding the limit, and the fault pattern of temperature oscillating slowly rising and exceeding the limit. According to different fault patterns, the corresponding current-carrying fault diagnosis algorithm is proposed. In this paper, an early warning algorithm of current-carrying faults based on principal component analysis (PCA) and K-means clustering algorithm is proposed for the fault pattern of temperature rising rapidly and exceeding the limit. Then, the extreme learning machine (ELM) is used to predict the temperature sequence of the fault contact. (ELM) has the advantages of fast learning speed and good generalization performance. Application in this system can better meet the real-time requirements of the system on the premise of certain prediction accuracy. In this paper, a method for predicting the trend of current-carrying faults based on multi-scale chaotic time series is proposed for the fault pattern of temperature rising slowly and exceeding the limit. Firstly, the noise smoothing algorithm based on wavelet transform is used to reduce the noise of the original data, and the real time temperature series and the average temperature series with multiple time scales are constructed by using the de-noised data. By applying the normalized minimum mean square error algorithm with variable step size to the identification of Volterra kernel function, the accuracy of kernel function identification is improved, and a more accurate prediction result is obtained. The improved Volterra adaptive filtering algorithm is used to predict the trend of current carrying fault. The test results based on the actual operation data of a power station show the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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