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发布时间:2018-08-03 19:08
【摘要】:配电系统电能质量问题日益得到人们的关注,电能质量调节手段也在不断地发展进步。并联型有源电力滤波器(Shunt Active Power Filter, SAPF)作为一种高效灵活的谐波治理装置得到了广泛研究和应用,并且其功能也在不断扩展,向着综合型的电能质量调节装置发展。本文以提高并联型有源电力滤波器谐波抑制综合性能为目标,从改进输出滤波器、减小输出电流误差、谐振阻尼复合控制策略以及对不同非线性负载谐波补偿特性等方面深入研究有源电力滤波器谐波抑制性能优化技术。 为了保证并联型有源电力滤波器的谐波补偿性能,首先必须保证其良好的输出电流波形质量,设计合理的输出滤波器将起到关键作用。LCL滤波器由于可以用较小的输出电感实现良好的开关纹波抑制效果而被广泛应用,但通常需要采取有源阻尼或无源阻尼方法来抑制其自身谐振。有源阻尼控制可能需要采用额外的电压电流传感器,并且阻尼效果受控制系统带宽的限制;传统的无源阻尼方法则损耗较大,并且阻尼电阻会使开关纹波滤除效果变差。为了避免这些问题,本文基于选择性无源阻尼思想提出了一种LCFL型输出滤波器。这种LCFL滤波器通过在传统无源阻尼LCL滤波器的阻尼电阻上并联一条LC谐振支路而构成,这条LC谐振支路调谐在开关频率,可以吸收大部分的开关谐波电流,消除阻尼电阻对开关谐波抑制性能的影响,同时将降低阻尼电阻的损耗。而在输出滤波器的谐振频率附近,LC支路的阻抗远大于阻尼电阻值,因而不会减弱其无源阻尼效果。采用LCFL滤波器的有源电力滤波器可以稳定可靠地运行,以较小的阻尼电阻损耗实现良好的开关纹波滤除效果,从而改善有源电力滤波器的输出波形质量。 为提高有源电力滤波器的谐波电流补偿精度,必须采用高性能的输出电流跟踪控制策略,同时应消除造成输出电流误差的因素。本文中并联型有源电力滤波器的输出电流跟踪控制采用PI与重复控制相结合的复合控制策略,以兼顾稳态精度和动态性能。然后分析了造成输出电流误差的因素,研究了输出电流幅值和相位误差对谐波补偿性能的影响,在此基础上提出了两种输出电流误差补偿方法。一种为具有相位补偿功能的改进型递归傅里叶变换(RDFT)谐波指令提取算法,通过在指令提取环节对输出电流相位误差进行超前补偿,以提高有源电力滤波器谐波补偿精度。这种方法可以方便实现选择性的谐波指令提取与误差校正,具有较大的灵活性和补偿精度。另外一种输出误差补偿策略则基于电流指令误差闭环调节,在谐波同步旋转坐标系下提取相应谐波分量的误差直流量,然后进行PI调节获取指令误差补偿量,将其叠加在直接从负载电流中提取的谐波电流指令上以获得完整的输出电流指令。通过对谐波电流指令进行补偿,可以有效减小有源电力滤波器的输出电流误差,提高谐波补偿精度。 配电系统同时接有无功补偿电容器组和非线性负载情况下易发生谐波谐振,此时并联型有源电力滤波器只进行谐波电流补偿难以达到较好的谐波抑制效果。为了提升并联型有源电力滤波器在这种谐振条件下的谐波抑制性能,本文提出了一种谐波补偿与谐振阻尼的复合控制方案。有源电力滤波器通过检测负载电流提取谐波补偿电流指令,通过检测PCC电压提取谐振阻尼电流指令,两者综合得到其总的输出电流指令。通过建立等效电路模型分析了谐振产生与阻尼的机理,研究了并联型有源电力滤波器谐波电流检测位置对其谐波抑制性能的影响,同时检验了有源电力滤波器谐波补偿与谐振阻尼复合控制策略的效果。 针对在配电系统中应用普遍的电压源型与电流源型非线性负载,本文分析了并联型有源电力滤波器对这两类非线性负载的谐波补偿特性。通过分析发现并联型有源电力滤波器补偿电压源型非线性负载谐波电流时,会导致非线性负载发生严重的谐波电流放大效应,这将危害负载的正常运行,同时降低并联型有源电力滤波器的谐波补偿性能。分析揭示了负载谐波放大倍数同系统阻抗与负载等效阻抗之间的关系,在此基础上提出通过调节系统各部分的阻抗关系来减弱谐波放大效应,改善有源电力滤波器的谐波补偿性能。仿真和实验结果验证了分析和所提出措施的正确性。 在以上分析和研究基础上研制了三相三线并联型有源电力滤波器样机,并且相关的有源电力滤波器装置已经在工业现场得到了应用。实验和工业现场测试结果表明本文所提出的各项谐波抑制性能优化技术可以在有源电力滤波器上得到良好的实现与应用,对于提升其综合谐波抑制性能发挥了较好的作用。希望本文的研究工作对有源电力滤波器的实用化推广能起到一定的参考和促进作用。
[Abstract]:The power quality problem of distribution system is getting more and more attention, and the means of power quality regulation are also developing. Parallel active power filter (Shunt Active Power Filter, SAPF) has been widely studied and used as a kind of efficient and flexible harmonic control device, and its function is also expanding, towards comprehensive type. In order to improve the harmonic suppression performance of the shunt active power filter, this paper aims to improve the harmonic suppression of active power filter from the improvement of the output filter, the output current error, the resonant damping compound control strategy and the harmonic compensation characteristics of different nonlinear loads. It can optimize technology.
In order to ensure the harmonic compensation performance of the shunt active power filter, the quality of the output current waveform must be guaranteed. The design of a reasonable output filter will play a key role in the.LCL filter, which is widely used because it can achieve good switching ripple effect with a small output inductor. Active damping or passive damping methods are used to suppress their resonance. Active damping control may require an additional voltage current sensor, and the damping effect is limited by the bandwidth of the control system; the traditional passive damping method is lost, and the damping resistor will make the switching ripple filtering effect worse. In order to avoid these problems, Based on the idea of selective passive damping, a LCFL type output filter is proposed. This kind of LCFL filter is made up of a LC resonant branch in parallel with the damping resistance of the traditional passive damping LCL filter. This LC resonant branch is tuned at the switching frequency, which can absorb the large part of the switching harmonic current and eliminate the damping resistance against the opening. At the same time, the damping resistance will be reduced and the loss of the damping resistance will be reduced. In the vicinity of the resonant frequency of the output filter, the impedance of the LC branch is far greater than the damping resistance value, thus it will not weaken its passive damping effect. The active power filter using the LCFL filter can run steadily and reliably with smaller damping resistance loss. It has good filtering effect of switching ripple, thus improving the output waveform quality of active power filter.
In order to improve the harmonic current compensation accuracy of active power filter, a high performance output current tracking control strategy must be adopted and the factors causing the output current error should be eliminated. The output current tracking control of the shunt active power filter in this paper uses a combined control strategy of PI and repetitive control to take account of the steady state of the power filter. The factors that cause the output current error are analyzed, and the influence of the amplitude and phase error of the output current on the harmonic compensation performance is studied. On this basis, two kinds of output current error compensation methods are proposed. A modified recursive Fourier transform (RDFT) harmonic instruction extraction algorithm with phase compensation function is proposed. In order to improve the harmonic compensation accuracy of the active power filter, the method can improve the harmonic compensation accuracy of the active power filter. This method can easily achieve the selective harmonic instruction extraction and error correction, and has greater flexibility and compensation precision. The other output error compensation strategy is based on the current instruction. The error closed loop adjustment is used to extract the error direct flow of the corresponding harmonic components in the harmonic synchronous rotating coordinate system, and then the PI adjustment is used to obtain the instruction error compensation, and it is superimposed on the harmonic current instruction extracted directly from the load current to obtain the complete output current instruction. It can reduce the output current error of active power filter and improve the accuracy of harmonic compensation.
Harmonic resonance is easy to occur in the case of reactive power compensation capacitor banks and nonlinear loads in the distribution system. At this time, the shunt active power filter can not achieve better harmonic suppression effect by only harmonic current compensation. In order to improve the harmonic suppression performance of the shunt active power filter under this resonant condition, this paper proposes to improve the harmonic suppression performance of the shunt active power filter. A hybrid control scheme for harmonic compensation and resonant damping is proposed. The active power filter extracts the harmonic compensation current instruction by detecting the load current and extracts the resonant damping current instruction by detecting the PCC voltage. Both of them get the total output current instruction. The resonance generation and damping are analyzed by the establishment of an equal effect circuit model. The effect of the harmonic current detection position on the harmonic suppression performance of the shunt active power filter is studied. At the same time, the effect of the harmonic compensation and the resonant damping control strategy of the active power filter is tested.
In order to apply the universal voltage source and current source nonlinear load in the distribution system, the harmonic compensation characteristics of the shunt active power filter for these two kinds of nonlinear loads are analyzed. It is found that the nonlinear load will lead to the nonlinear load when the shunt active power filter compensates the voltage source nonlinear load harmonic current. There is a serious harmonic current amplification effect, which will harm the normal operation of the load and reduce the harmonic compensation performance of the shunt active power filter. The analysis reveals the relationship between the load harmonic magnification and the impedance of the system and the equivalent impedance of the load. On this basis, the impedance relation of the various parts of the system is proposed to reduce the impedance. Weak harmonic amplification effect improves the harmonic compensation performance of APF. Simulation and experimental results verify the correctness of the analysis and proposed measures.
On the basis of the above analysis and research, a prototype of three-phase three wire shunt active power filter is developed, and the related active power filter device has been applied in the industrial field. The experimental and industrial field test results show that the harmonic suppression performance optimization techniques proposed in this paper can be obtained on the active power filter. Good implementation and application play a good role in improving the comprehensive harmonic suppression performance. I hope the research work in this paper can play a certain reference and promote the practical application of active power filter.


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