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发布时间:2018-08-06 21:06
【摘要】:为了结合海底电缆寿命周期特点、制定适用于近海风电场高压海底电缆的选型标准,以海缆传输容量大于风电场设计向外传输容量为约束条件,构建了包括购置、敷设、损耗、故障损失、运行维护以及回收净投资成本的海缆全寿命周期成本(LCC)模型,并以LCC等额年值最小作为选型标准。以国内某海上风电场海底电缆选型为案例进行计算分析。结果表明,购置、损耗、故障损失成本与自身LCC占比较重,最高分别达到26.4%、30.8%、62.0%;所有方案前期投资与自身LCC占比≤40%。当电压等级相同时,单芯海缆方案损耗成本至少比三芯海缆方案高出4.68×103万元;而当线芯数相同时,高电压等级故障损失成本至少比低电压等级海缆方案高出8.8×103万元;2回110 k V 3×500 mm2高压XLPE绝缘钢丝铠装海缆方案LCC等额年值(3.08×103万元/a)最小,该方案最优。
[Abstract]:In order to combine the characteristics of submarine cable life cycle, the selection standard of high voltage submarine cable suitable for offshore wind farm is established. Taking the transmission capacity of submarine cable larger than the design outward transmission capacity of wind farm as the constraint condition, the paper constructs the design including purchase, laying, loss, etc. The (LCC) model of the whole life cycle cost of submarine cable with fault loss, operation maintenance and net investment cost recovery is used as the model selection standard. The minimum annual equivalent value of LCC is taken as the model selection standard. Taking the submarine cable selection of a domestic offshore wind farm as a case, the calculation and analysis are carried out. The results show that the cost of purchase, loss and fault loss is heavy with their own LCC, and the highest is 26.4and 30.880 / 62.0, respectively, and the proportion of pre-investment and LCC of all schemes is 鈮,




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