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发布时间:2018-08-07 14:41
【摘要】:重载和高速铁路是我国铁路今后的主要发展方向,目前我国重载铁路采用的机车主要是交直型电力机车,其控制方式采用相控整流方式,机车在从电网获取电能的同时也会产生3、5、7次等低次谐波,经过牵引网注入到电力系统中。牵引网是分布参数元件,谐波电流经过牵引网时会发生谐振,使谐波电流成倍增加,造成过电压,影响供电设备的安全稳定运行。本文重点对牵引供电系统谐振特性、电力系统和牵引供电系统机电-电磁暂态混合仿真以及牵引供电系统电能质量综合治理进行了研究。 在仿真研究牵引供电系统谐振特性时,通常采用谐波潮流仿真方法,此时需要对牵引供电系统仿真模型进行一定的简化,通常只对牵引网进行建模,而机车则简化为电流源,不考虑机车和牵引网之间的耦合关系。本文利用PSCAD/EMTDC建立韶山4型电力机车电磁暂态仿真模型,并将其仿真结果与相关理论值进行对比,验证了所建立机车模型的正确性。然后根据已有的牵引网仿真模型建立方法建立了机车-牵引网-等值电网电磁暂态仿真模型,仿真研究车网耦合下机车位置、机车数量和牵引网长度对牵引供电系统谐振特点和注入电力系统电流谐波含量的影响。 在对牵引供电系统建模时,通常采用电磁暂态仿真,在仿真时需要对电力系统部分进行等值简化,将其等效为三相电压源。本文利用ADPSS仿真软件机电-电磁暂态混合仿真功能,在己建立好的机车-牵引网-等值电网电磁暂态仿真模型的基础上建立机车-牵引网-实际电网机电暂态-电磁暂态混合仿真模型,仿真对比两种仿真模型的差异,仿真结果表明在研究牵引供电系统谐波特性时,电力系统部分简化等值为三相电压源对仿真结果的准确性影响不大;本文建立的实际电力系统和牵引供电系统机电-电磁暂态混合仿真模型为牵引供电系统仿真分析提供了一种新的仿真思路。 最后本文研究了TCR+FC型SVC无功补偿和滤除谐波工作原理和三相不平衡负荷补偿原理,利用PSCAD/EMTDC建立了单相TCR+FC型SVC和基于三相不平衡负荷补偿原理的三相TCR+FC型SVC。仿真比较了两种补偿方法对牵引供电系统谐波、负序和无功综合补偿效果。
[Abstract]:Heavy load and high speed railway are the main development direction of China's railway in the future. At present, the main locomotive used in the heavy haul railway in our country is the direct type electric locomotive. Its control mode adopts the phase controlled rectification mode. The locomotive can generate the 3,5,7 secondary low order harmonics at the same time from the power grid, and the traction network is injected into the power system. It is a distributed parameter element. The harmonic current will resonate when it passes the traction network, which makes the harmonic current multiplied, causing overvoltage and affecting the safe and stable operation of the power supply equipment. This paper focuses on the resonant characteristics of the traction power supply system, the electromechanical electromagnetic transient simulation of the power system and the traction power supply system, and the power quality of the traction power supply system. Comprehensive management has been studied.
In the simulation of the resonant characteristics of the traction power supply system, the harmonic flow simulation method is usually used. At this time, the simulation model of the traction power supply system needs to be simplified, usually only the traction network is modeled, and the locomotive is simplified as the current source, and the coupling relationship between the locomotive and the traction network is not considered. This paper uses the PSCAD/EMTDC to establish the Shaoguan. The electromagnetic transient simulation model of mountain 4 electric locomotive is compared with the relevant theoretical values, and the correctness of the locomotive model is verified. Then the electromagnetic transient simulation model of locomotive traction network equivalent power grid is established according to the existing simulation model of traction network, and the simulation study of locomotive network coupling under the locomotive position is carried out. The influence of the number of vehicles and the length of traction network on the resonant characteristics of traction power supply system and the current harmonic content of injected power system are also studied.
When modeling the traction power supply system, the electromagnetic transient simulation is usually used. In the simulation, the part of the power system needs to be simplified to be equivalent to the three-phase voltage source. In this paper, the foundation of the simulation model of the electromagnetic transient simulation model of the locomotive traction network - equivalent power grid is established by using the ADPSS simulation software. On the basis of the model, a hybrid simulation model of locomotive traction network - real power system electromechanical transient electromagnetic transient is established, and the difference between the two simulation models is compared. The simulation results show that in the study of the harmonic characteristics of the traction power supply system, the simplified equivalent of the power system has little effect on the accuracy of the simulation results. The hybrid electromechanical-electromagnetic transient simulation model of power system and traction power supply system provides a new simulation method for the simulation analysis of traction power supply system.
At last, this paper studies the principle of TCR+FC SVC reactive power compensation and harmonic elimination and three-phase unbalanced load compensation, and uses PSCAD/EMTDC to establish a single-phase TCR+FC SVC and three-phase TCR+FC based SVC. simulation based on the principle of three-phase unbalanced load compensation, and compares the harmonic, negative and reactive power synthesis of the two compensation methods to the traction power supply system. Compensation effect.


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