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发布时间:2018-08-08 13:51
【摘要】:随着我国经济的飞速发展,人民生活水平得到了不断地提高。但是建立在粗放型经济增长方式基础上的快速增长,使资源难以为继,环境不堪重负。近年来环境问题不断出现,而愈演愈烈的雾霾问题,更是触动着大家的神经,使我们整个社会对环境的治理和保护达到了前所未有的高度。大到国家,小到个人都开始着手对空气质量的改善,空气净化器作为我们日常的家用电器,对净化室内空气、改善室内空气质量有很重要的作用。 在对目前国内市面上的空气净化器及相关产品进行广泛的调查分析时,主要采用了理论研究和实践研究相结合的方法。理论研究部分主要运用理论借鉴法、文献法、图片分析法、案例分析法以及设计学相关理论等多种研究方法,实践研究部分主要运用实践考察法和调查问卷法,从整体上分析绿色空气净化器在设计艺术研究的重要性。 经研究发现,市面上现有的空气净化器虽能满足人们的一般需求,却存在着产品外观单一,功能也大同小异,产品设计上缺乏对消费者个性化需求的考虑的问题。为了在满足消费者一般需求的基础上更好的满足消费者的个性需求,本论文研究的桌面型绿色空气净化器从消费者生活形态出发,了解消费者心理及需求,并且进行人群细分,将绿色设计、和谐化设计、本土化设计、人性化设计及创新设计等因素融入到产品设计的各方面和全过程,使空气净化器更好的为不同人群提供个性化的服务,满足消费者无论是物质上还是精神上的独特需求。通过对生活形态的研究分析及其典型用户分析,针对桌面空气净化器的消费者用户大体分为五种代表性的人群,并分析针对各种人群的特点设计了相应的桌面型绿色空气净化器。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our economy, people's living standards have been continuously improved. However, the rapid growth based on extensive economic growth mode makes resources difficult to sustain and the environment unbearable. In recent years, environmental problems appear constantly, and the haze problem, which is becoming more and more serious, touches the nerve of everyone and makes our whole society to manage and protect the environment to an unprecedented height. As a daily household appliance, air purifiers play an important role in purifying indoor air and improving indoor air quality. In the extensive investigation and analysis of the air purifiers and related products on the domestic market at present, the method of combining theoretical research with practical research is mainly adopted. The theory research part mainly uses the theory reference method, the literature method, the picture analysis method, the case analysis method and the design related theory and so on, the practice research part mainly uses the practice inspection method and the questionnaire method. The importance of green air purifier in design art research is analyzed. It is found that although the existing air purifiers in the market can meet the general needs of people, there are many problems in product design, such as single appearance and similar functions, and lack of consideration of consumers' individualized demand in product design. In order to meet the personal needs of consumers better on the basis of satisfying the general needs of consumers, this paper studies the desktop type green air purifier from the consumer life form, understand the consumer psychology and needs, and carry on the crowd segmentation. The factors such as green design, harmonious design, local design, humanized design and innovative design are integrated into all aspects and the whole process of product design, so that the air purifier can better provide individualized service for different people. To meet the unique needs of consumers, whether material or spiritual. Through the research and analysis of life style and typical user analysis, the consumers of desktop air purifier can be divided into five representative groups. According to the characteristics of all kinds of people, the paper designs the corresponding desktop type green air purifier.


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