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发布时间:2018-08-11 19:02
[Abstract]:Ac contactor is an important component of industrial automation control system. It is very important for the stability of the whole system to ensure the reliable operation of AC contactor. By comparing and analyzing the merits and demerits of AC contactor, this paper puts forward the solution of its deficiency, intelligent control scheme and intelligent concept of electrical apparatus. With the development of industrial automation technology, AC contactors are required to achieve communication, programmable and intelligent control. Therefore, the intelligent control and dynamic characteristics of AC contactor should be studied synthetically, so as to optimize the structure parameters and electrical parameters, improve its performance and incorporate more intelligent control functions. In this paper, a three-dimensional dynamic process testing system for mechanical mechanism of intelligent AC contactor is developed. On the one hand, the system realizes the switching and breaking of the intelligent AC contactor under different conditions, on the other hand, it can intelligently collect the sequence image data of the 3D motion process of the mechanical mechanism of the intelligent AC contactor. On the basis of analyzing the principle of high speed camera imaging and the correlation factors of 3D coordinate change in the imaging process, a method of collecting 3D motion sequence images of intelligent AC contactor mechanism by plane mirror assisted imaging ordering camera is put forward for the first time. The spatial 3D motion process data of its moving parts are obtained accurately. The 2D coordinate values of feature points attached to each moving component of the intelligent AC contactor are extracted from the sequence image, and the three-dimensional motion coordinates of the moving components are obtained by the algorithm. Dynamic tracking of the three-dimensional position and attitude change process of the mechanical mechanism of intelligent AC contactor. A large number of three-dimensional motion data of iron core and contact space without controlled parameters are obtained by the test system, and the three-dimensional motion process of mechanical mechanism of intelligent AC contactor is analyzed synthetically. By synthetically comparing the space motion curves of the mechanical mechanism of intelligent AC contactor under different conditions, the best stable working conditions are obtained. The 3D motion virtual prototype model of the intelligent AC contactor is established to reconstruct the 3D motion process of the mechanical mechanism. The prototype model of intelligent AC contactor is constructed by using Proe and imported into the simulation environment, and the curve data of three points motion law on rigid body of mechanical mechanism are obtained from the measurement of testing system. In the kinematics simulation platform of ADAMS, the model of intelligent AC contactor is constructed and imported into the simulation environment. To reconstruct the 3D motion process of the core and contact parts in the intelligent AC contactor. By measuring and analyzing the motion law of other points on the moving parts of intelligent AC contactor and the change of rigid body attitude, the observation angle is changed, and the shading part of the outer part is eliminated. The change process of three-dimensional motion characteristics and pose of intelligent AC contactor mechanical mechanism is studied in detail. This method can effectively reproduce the three-dimensional motion process of the moving parts of the intelligent AC contactor, which is of great significance to the optimization of the structural and electrical parameters of the prototype.


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