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发布时间:2018-08-11 19:31
【摘要】:作为电力系统的基本控制部件,励磁系统在电力系统可靠性和稳定性方面起着重要作用,提高其性能是实现电力系统稳定的最经济有效的措施。目前我国电力系统发展非常迅速,对同步发电机的励磁装置要求也就随之不断提高。将数字式微处理器引入励磁系统的设计,完美的解决了这一问题。而自并励励磁系统由于其结构简洁,维护方便在我国获得了越来越广泛的应用。 本文通过对陈塘热电#8、#9机励磁系统设计、选型和装置各环节参数整定的实践,对数字式励磁调节器的硬件组成和调节功能的软件设计进行了深入的研究。结合天津陈塘热电#8、#9机组现场静态励磁系统主回路实际情况,研究制定了对励磁变压器、晶闸管整流装置、磁场断路器、非线性电阻装置、转子过电压保护装置及励磁系统损耗等各个环节的整定计算原则,,给出了详细、准确的参数整定计算结果。在此基础上,文中分析和探讨了发电机的自并励励磁系统优越性及其在选型、应用和设计中应注意的问题。 依据本文给出的主回路整定参数,利用天津陈塘热电#8、#9机组大修及并网发电期间,对励磁系统进行了包括手动、自动两种方式下的灭磁、阶跃响应、零起升压试验,还进行了励磁系统并网后试验、PSS试验等。在试验过程中详细记录了波形及试验数据,试验结果证明:本文工作优化了机组励磁系统参数的设定,提高了机组稳定运行的能力。
[Abstract]:As the basic control component of power system, excitation system plays an important role in the reliability and stability of power system. Improving its performance is the most economical and effective measure to realize power system stability. With the rapid development of power system in our country, the requirement of excitation equipment for synchronous generator has been raised. This problem is solved perfectly by introducing digital microprocessor into the design of excitation system. The self-shunt excitation system is more and more widely used in our country because of its simple structure and convenient maintenance. In this paper, the design, selection and setting of parameters of excitation system of #8 #9 machine are studied in detail, and the hardware composition of digital excitation regulator and the software design of regulating function are deeply studied in this paper. Combined with the actual situation of the static excitation system main circuit of Tianjin Chentang Thermal Power #8 #9 unit, the excitation transformer, thyristor rectifier, magnetic field breaker, nonlinear resistance device are studied and formulated. The principle of setting calculation of rotor overvoltage protection device and excitation system loss is given, and the detailed and accurate calculation results of parameter setting are given. On this basis, this paper analyzes and discusses the advantages of the self-shunt excitation system of the generator and the problems that should be paid attention to in the selection, application and design of the excitation system. According to the setting parameters of the main circuit given in this paper, during the overhaul and grid connection of #8 #9 unit of Tianjin Chen Tong Thermoelectric Company, the excitation system was tested in two ways, namely, manual and automatic degaussing, step response, and zero boost voltage. The PSS test is also carried out after the excitation system is connected to the grid. The waveform and test data are recorded in detail during the test. The test results show that the parameter setting of the excitation system of the unit is optimized in this paper and the ability of stable operation of the unit is improved.


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