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发布时间:2018-08-12 08:15
【摘要】:在能源危机和环保压力下,电力系统规划的发展将面临新的问题。发电侧,为达到既定的节能减排目标,我国相继出台了一系列鼓励发展可再生能源风电的政策;负荷侧,随着石油的大量消耗,电动汽车整车技术的不断提高,电动汽车作为低碳交通工具的先锋,逐渐受到重视并有望获得更大范围的普及。而无论是风电还是电动汽车,一旦接入电网,均会对电力系统运行产生诸多不确定性影响。风电出力具有间歇性和波动性,需要与之相适应的描述方法,并应考虑到风电消纳的实际困难,选取最优的输电系统规划方案;电动汽车充电负荷具有时间、空间、行为的随机性,考虑到随机充电对配电系统的影响,配电系统规划需要与充电站的选址和定容一起协调进行,并且在充电站的初步选址时对多方面影响予以考虑。由此,在含风电和电动汽车的电力系统规划中,选取合适的方法和流程不仅能降低其不确定性对系统的影响,提高运行的安全可靠性,还将降低投资成本,从而达到整体最优的目的。 在此背景下,本文获得了以下研究成果: 1)风能发电获得蓬勃发展,但缺乏相应的外送通道,导致风电消纳不足,部分地区弃风严重。而相比于风电的电源建设,输电系统建设需要更复杂的审批和更长的建设周期。考虑到风电接入对电力系统的不确定性影响,在多个候选方案中选取综合最优的规划方案,是协调该问题的有效手段。因此有必要进行含风电的输电系统规划方案优选。 2)针对风电场选址和规模已经确定的情况下,本文就如何对相关的输电系统候选规划方案进行综合优选开展了系统的研究。输电系统规划方案优选是一个包含不确定性因素的多目标决策问题。为实现对规划方案的全面评估,在选取评价指标时,除了考虑输电系统运行的可靠性与安全性以及规划建设的经济性之外,还考虑了为接纳风电所需要的备用成本以及其能够带来的环保与低碳方面的效益。采用能够描述专家偏好的区间熵法对容纳风力发电的输电系统候选规划方案进行优选,以综合考虑主观和客观因素;此外,还利用了区间数来适当描述风电出力的不确定性。最后,以46节点系统为例说明了所发展的优选方法的基本特征。 3)充电站的合理规划有利于电动汽车顺利进行能源补给,从而提高充电站的运营效益和用户的充电便捷性。在初步选取充电站的候选站址时,应综合考虑多种影响因素。本文给出初步选取充电站候选站址的原则和初步选取候选站址的流程;在对充电需求进行分析时,多角度总结了充电需求总量、分布的计算方法,并从交通规划、城市规划、充电需求三个角度给出层次分析评价方法的步骤。最后,分析了电动汽车接入给配电系统规划中的负荷预测、变电站规划及网架规划带来的影响,指出配电系统规划与电动汽车充电站进行协调的必要性。 4)本文对电动汽车充电站与配电系统的协调规划方法进行了研究和验证。构造了以规划期内电动汽车充电站投资及维修成本、线路扩容投资及维修成本、规划期内变电站投资及维修费用,以及系统网络损耗之和为最小的目标函数模型,并在约束条件中考虑了用户充电便捷性及线路充裕度要求。采用染色体分段编码、精英保留策略的遗传算法进行求解。最后,通过IEEE123节点系统数据对提出的方法做了验证,证明所提出的方法可以得到合理协调充电站和配电系统扩展规划的方案。 最后对全文研究工作进行了简要总结,指出有待进一步研究的问题。
[Abstract]:Under the pressure of energy crisis and environmental protection, the development of power system planning will face new problems. On the generation side, in order to achieve the established energy-saving and emission reduction goals, China has introduced a series of policies to encourage the development of renewable energy wind power; on the load side, with the large consumption of oil, the continuous improvement of electric vehicle technology, electric vehicle operation. As a pioneer of low-carbon transportation, wind power generation is becoming more and more popular. Whether wind power or electric vehicles, once connected to the power grid, they will have a lot of uncertainties on the operation of the power system. In view of the influence of random charging on the distribution system, the distribution system planning needs to be coordinated with the location and size of the charging station, and there are many aspects in the initial location of the charging station. Therefore, in the power system planning of wind power and electric vehicles, choosing appropriate methods and processes can not only reduce the impact of uncertainty on the system, improve the safety and reliability of operation, but also reduce the cost of investment, so as to achieve the overall optimal purpose.
Under this background, the following research results are obtained.
1) Wind power generation has developed vigorously, but the lack of corresponding outbound channels has led to inadequate wind power consumption and serious wind abandonment in some areas. Selecting the optimal comprehensive planning scheme is an effective means to coordinate the problem, so it is necessary to optimize the transmission system planning scheme with wind power.
2) In view of the fact that the location and scale of the wind farm have been determined, this paper makes a systematic study on how to make a comprehensive optimization of the relevant transmission system candidate planning schemes. In addition to the reliability and safety of the transmission system and the economy of planning and construction, the reserve cost required to accept wind power and the environmental and low-carbon benefits it can bring are also considered. In addition, the interval number is used to appropriately describe the uncertainty of wind power output. Finally, a 46-node system is taken as an example to illustrate the basic characteristics of the proposed optimization method.
3) Reasonable planning of charging station is beneficial to the smooth energy supply of EV, so as to improve the operation benefit of charging station and the convenience of charging users. When selecting the candidate site of charging station, many factors should be considered comprehensively. In the analysis of charging demand, the calculation method of total charging demand and distribution is summarized from various angles, and the steps of AHP evaluation method are given from three aspects of transportation planning, urban planning and charging demand. Finally, the load forecasting, substation planning and grid rules in the planning of electric vehicle access to distribution system are analyzed. This paper points out the necessity of coordination between distribution system planning and electric vehicle charging station.
4) This paper studies and verifies the coordinated planning method of electric vehicle charging station and distribution system. The objective function model is constructed to minimize the investment and maintenance cost of electric vehicle charging station, line expansion investment and maintenance cost, substation investment and maintenance cost during the planning period, and the sum of system network loss. Finally, the proposed method is validated by IEEE 123 node system data, which proves that the proposed method can reasonably coordinate the expansion of charging station and distribution system. Planning scheme.
Finally, the paper summarizes the research work in detail and points out the problems to be further studied.


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