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发布时间:2018-08-13 13:25
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous reform of the electric power industry system in our country, the competitive mechanism of the electricity market has been gradually formed. Under the competition mechanism of the electricity market, how to accurately predict the short-term power load demand becomes more and more important. The improvement of load forecasting accuracy is helpful for power generation manufacturers to adjust their power supply strategy in time to maximize profit, and to make purchase plan according to the demand of ordinary customers, so as to minimize the cost. However, due to the influence of weather, economy, season, policy and so on, it is very difficult and complicated to predict the power load accurately. In this paper, a hybrid forecasting model based on clustering analysis and least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) is proposed on the basis of studying the current situation of short-term power load forecasting at home and abroad and the influencing factors of power load. In this paper, the power load characteristics of New South Wales and Queensland are analyzed, and then the similar days are selected by using SOM neural network and K-means clustering algorithm. The training set and test set of similar days are constructed and predicted by LSSVM model. Aiming at the optimization of LSSVM kernel function parameters and regularization parameters, this paper proposes a new parallel quadratic mesh optimization algorithm based on the principle of large first and then small, combined with MATLAB parallel toolbox. The algorithm is compared with the traditional mesh optimization algorithm. The optimization time can be significantly reduced, and the loss of prediction accuracy is small. Finally, the longitudinal comparison of simulation experiments shows that the prediction accuracy of SOM-LSSVM is higher than that of K-means-LSSVM and single LSSVM model, and the horizontal comparison shows that the prediction accuracy of the hybrid prediction model is higher than that of the K-means-LSSVM model and the single LSSVM model. The results of the hybrid forecasting model are also superior to those of the single ARIMA model, the ARIMA-BP model and the WT-LSSVM model, which shows that the hybrid model is an ideal short-term power load forecasting method.


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