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发布时间:2018-08-14 20:07
[Abstract]:Intelligent distribution system is a set of high professional, high automation, easy to use and high performance, which is developed according to the needs of users and the standard and specification of distribution system. High reliability and other characteristics suitable for low-voltage distribution system power management system. Through telemetry, remote signal, remote adjustment and remote control, the load can be reasonably allocated, the optimal operation can be realized, the electric energy can be saved effectively, and there are records of peak and low power consumption, which provides the necessary conditions for energy management. This subject adopts the Riyear-PowerNet distribution monitoring system developed by Changshu switch Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The system is a power distribution monitoring, control and management system developed by the company with many years' development experience and advanced technology. It is based on fieldbus technology, Ethernet technology, wireless communication technology, computer technology, and cooperate with all kinds of communicatable intelligent distribution elements. It combines the low voltage distribution system of the field with the computer network, and integrates telemetry, remote communication and remote control. Remote adjustment, and other functions in one, greatly improve the intelligent level of the distribution system. The system is a complete set of software and hardware product system, including a series of industrial distribution elements with automation function, complete host computer software, network cabling scheme, supporting the connection of various communication buses. With efficient data acquisition, users can control the operation of the distribution system in real time at any time, anywhere. The working status, trend curve, history record, operation and alarm record can be easily browsed to help users to set up a perfect distribution automation network in the shortest time. The intelligent distribution system designed in this paper adopts the real-time monitoring mode of dual mainframe, and the terminal of the power network uses the communicable intelligent components to monitor the implementation of the peripheral power supply facilities. At the same time for the project special development of proprietary module monitoring centrifuge real-time data. The data network uses optical fiber ring network to connect each power supply area. Each region also uses the communication cabinet way, the data network centralizes. This scheme has the advantages of high reliability, high integration, powerful function and strong anti-interference ability. It can fully meet the needs of current power protection, and the monitoring of centrifuge can ensure the concentration reliability in real time.


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