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发布时间:2018-08-17 13:45
【摘要】:能源是国民经济的命脉,与人民生活和人类的生存环境休戚相关,在社会可持续发展中起着举足轻重的作用。人类当前使用的能源主要来自煤炭、石油等多年储藏在地下的石化能源,按照目前的开发力度,几十年或许一百多年后,地球所储存的这些能源就将枯竭。因此,开发可再生能源已经成为当务之急。在可再生能源中,太阳能的热利用起着举足轻重的作用。其中,太阳能热发电还处于起步阶段,具有较大的发展潜力。 本课题研究的碟式太阳能热发电系统,其相对于塔式和槽式两种热发电方式,有较高的光热转换效率。本文重点研究了碟式太阳能热发电系统的两个重要组成部分—双轴跟踪控制系统和气动发动机。 首先,本文设计了基于TMS320F2812DSP为控制核心的太阳能热发电双轴跟踪控制系统。确定了太阳的运行规律,根据理论公式、当地的经纬度、当天的时间,计算出太阳的理论高度角和方位角,以此分析控制原理并确定采用混合跟踪方法。一级跟踪为视日运动轨迹跟踪,根据太阳运行的一般规律通过编码器反馈进行高度角和方位角的初始调节;二级跟踪为光电传感器校正跟踪,根据光敏传感器的电压偏差进行现场调节。 其次,碟式太阳能热发电系统中的斯特林发动机的技术难度较大、成本较高,本课题采用气动发动机进行替代。因此对气动发动机的基本原理、工作循环以及输出功率进行了分析,为进一步研究气动发动机进行理论分析。 然后,对跟踪系统进行了实验室模拟,,以云台为基本架构,对两相电机特点及磁场进行了理论分析,对所用的变压器、变频器等器件进行了选型,控制器采用TMS320F2812DSP,完成了相应的外围电路设计,搭建了实验平台;软件设计方面,DSP为下位机,对其进行了总体跟踪策略的软件设计,并用上位机PC进行串行通信,通过LabVIEW完成对时间、高度角、方位角、传感器信号等信息的实时监控,最后进行了简单的调试试验。 双轴跟踪系统的模拟实验平台的搭建和测试说明了本文设计的控制方案的可行性和有效性;对气动发动机的理论分析也为进一步研究气动发动机控制系统和相应的发电系统提供可靠的理论依据。两部分内容的研究和设计对进一步深入研究碟式太阳能热发电系统提供了参考。
[Abstract]:Energy is the lifeblood of the national economy, closely related to people's lives and the living environment of mankind, and plays an important role in the sustainable development of society. Therefore, the development of renewable energy has become a top priority. In renewable energy, the thermal utilization of solar energy plays an important role. Among them, solar thermal power generation is still in its infancy and has great development potential.
The dish solar thermal power generation system has higher photothermal conversion efficiency than the tower and trough thermal power generation systems. This paper focuses on the two important components of the dish solar thermal power generation system-two-axis tracking control system and pneumatic engine.
Firstly, a Dual-axis tracking control system for solar thermal power generation based on DSP TMS320F2812 is designed in this paper. The operation law of the sun is determined. According to the theoretical formula, the local longitude and latitude, the time of the day, the theoretical altitude angle and azimuth angle of the sun are calculated. The control principle is analyzed and the hybrid tracking method is adopted. Tracking is to track the sun's motion trajectory, according to the general law of the sun's movement, the altitude angle and azimuth angle are initially adjusted by the encoder feedback, and the secondary tracking is to correct the tracking by photoelectric sensors, and to adjust the field according to the voltage deviation of photosensitive sensors.
Secondly, the Stirling engine in the dish solar thermal power generation system is more difficult and costly, so the pneumatic engine is used to replace the Stirling engine.
Then, the tracking system is simulated in the laboratory, and the characteristics and magnetic field of the two-phase motor are analyzed theoretically with the Yuntai as the basic structure. The transformer and frequency converter are selected. The controller uses TMS320F2812 DSP to complete the corresponding peripheral circuit design and build the experimental platform. The software of the overall tracking strategy is designed and the PC is used for serial communication. The real-time monitoring of time, altitude, azimuth and sensor signal is completed by LabVIEW. Finally, a simple debugging test is carried out.
The construction and test of the simulation experiment platform of the two-axis tracking system show the feasibility and validity of the control scheme designed in this paper; the theoretical analysis of the pneumatic engine also provides a reliable theoretical basis for the further study of the pneumatic engine control system and the corresponding power generation system. It provides a reference for in-depth study of dish type solar thermal power generation system.


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