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发布时间:2018-08-17 15:38
[Abstract]:Distribution network reconfiguration is an important optimization method of distribution system. With the increasing complexity of distribution network structure and the improvement of power quality requirements, distribution network automation has become an inevitable trend. Among them, network reconfiguration is the key link to realize distribution network automation. Distribution network reconfiguration is an optimization method that does not need to add new equipment. It can only improve the quality of power network by adjusting the opening and closing state of the connection switch or segmented switch. Reconfiguration can effectively improve the security of power grid operation and is closely related to consumer power consumption. Therefore, as an important means of optimization, network reconfiguration is becoming increasingly important to distribution system. Distribution network topology analysis is the basic block of power system analysis, and it is also the guarantee of other analysis of distribution system. Based on the description of distribution network equipment, the simplification of distribution network and the application of object-oriented technology in distribution network, this paper discusses the generation of distribution network topology and the traversal method of distribution network topology structure. It includes breadth first search method and depth first search method. Based on the traversal method of distribution network topology, the generation of static topology and dynamic topology is studied. This paper introduces the equivalent node analysis and the electric island analysis of the static topology, as well as the analysis of the equivalent node and the electric island in the two states of the circuit breaker "on" and "close" in the dynamic topology tracking. Finally, a simple network model is taken as an example to analyze the topology of distribution network. Based on the topology analysis of distribution network, the topology structure of distribution network is simplified by using graph theory, the topological structure table is established on the basis of original data, and the hierarchical relationship is formed, which simplifies the complexity of power flow calculation. The current power flow calculation method of distribution network is systematically expounded. The forward push back band algorithm is used to calculate the power flow by using the hierarchical relation formed by topological analysis, and an example is given to verify it. With the change of times, the methods of distribution network reconfiguration are becoming more and more diverse. The methods of distribution network reconfiguration include mathematical optimization, heuristic and artificial intelligence. Among them, the application of artificial intelligence algorithm in distribution network reconstruction has received considerable attention. This paper introduces chaos technique into binary particle swarm optimization algorithm and improves it to overcome the shortcoming of binary particle swarm optimization algorithm which is easy to fall into local optimum and obtain more accurate optimization results. Finally, taking the minimum network loss as the objective function to reconstruct the network, the algorithm is coded by matlab and verified by an example. Experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively reduce the network loss. At the same time, the minimum node voltage is increased. An example shows that the method is feasible and effective.


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