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发布时间:2018-08-18 13:26
[Abstract]:Energy saving and environmental protection are the two main themes of automobile industry development. Studies have shown that only about 1/3 of the energy emitted by engine fuel combustion is effectively utilized. Recycling this part of energy has become one of the most important ways to improve the efficiency of internal combustion engine. Among them, thermoelectric (TEG) technology has the advantages of high temperature resistance, no moving parts and so on. It is suitable for diesel engine exhaust heat recovery of medium and high temperature grade waste heat, organic Rankine cycle (ORC) has the characteristics of stable operation, high efficiency, etc. However, due to the high temperature decomposition of working fluid, it is suitable for the recovery of internal combustion engine waste heat. The exhaust temperature of diesel engine under different working conditions is higher and the range of variation is large. The exhaust temperature of high temperature can be recovered by using TEG system in advance, and the exhaust temperature can be reduced to the suitable working range of organic working medium, which will create favorable conditions for the recovery of residual heat in ORC system. Therefore, the combined cycle of TEG and ORC is the focus of this paper. In this paper, the thermodynamic model of TEG and ORC combined system is established based on MATLAB, and the simulation study of waste heat recovery in a diesel engine is carried out. According to the waste heat temperature characteristics of diesel engine exhaust gas, the material of TEG system can be selected as the back heat system of p type TAGS (Ag Te / n type PbTe system) with working temperature in the range of 600C, and the recovery efficiency can be further improved. The organic working fluid of the system is R123 and its decomposition temperature is 600K. In view of the large number of operating conditions, in order to make the ORC system work stably under different exhaust temperature conditions, and the excessive evaporation pressure has an effect on the stability of the system, the lower evaporation pressure is selected to ensure the safe and normal operation of the system. Therefore, the Rankine cycle state of ORC system is subcritical, the evaporation pressure of the working medium is 2 MPA, and the condensation temperature is 308 K. The analysis results show that the combined system can be operated in the whole working condition of diesel engine. The exhaust temperature and flow rate of the diesel engine are relatively large at medium and high loads, and the output power of the combined recovery system is higher. The output power of the combined system can reach 30.36 kW under different working conditions. The output power of TEG system is 2.24kW and 28.12kW. The maximum indicated thermal efficiency of the engine can be increased by 5.52 and the maximum indicated thermal efficiency is 47.1. The performance of the combined system is better in the range of 70% to 90% 1700-1900r/min speed. If the diesel engine is often operated under the conditions of medium and high speed and high load, it is of great economic value to use the system to recover the waste heat. This paper also designs and makes a multi-module thermoelectricity generator in series for experimental study, and probes into the law of volt-ampere characteristic and the relationship between current and output power of thermoelectric power generation system under different temperature of cold and hot end. The experimental results show that the maximum output power is 39.648W when the cold end temperature is 293K and the hot end temperature is 473K. Using the experimental results, the theoretical model of the TEG system in the TEG-ORC joint system is modified for the multi-module series-connected system, so that it can more truly reflect the ability of recovering the residual heat of the thermoelectric power generation system after the multi-module series-connected system. This experiment can pave the way for the experimental research of the joint system model modification and optimization and the TEG-ORC joint cycle, which is helpful to the joint system experiment in the future.


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