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发布时间:2018-08-18 16:53
【摘要】:近年来,环境问题引起了全社会的广泛关注,人们对于环境保护的要求越来越高。电动汽车因为其节能环保的独特优势,拥有广阔的开发应用前景。电动汽车中的电力电子器件相比传统汽车大大增加,由此带来了复杂的汽车电磁兼容问题。其中,电机驱动系统是电动汽车中最主要的电磁干扰源,其产生的电磁干扰使得汽车难以满足相关电磁兼容标准,并对汽车自身的安全行驶和外部环境产生不良的影响。本文针对电动汽车电机驱动系统的传导电磁干扰问题进行了相关研究,主要工作如下: ①分析了电机驱动系统电磁干扰的产生机理。根据传导电磁干扰耦合路径的不同,分别分析了电机驱动系统传导电磁干扰的共模和差模耦合路径。 ②在传导电磁干扰频率范围内,研究了永磁同步电机的高频等效模型。利用测试得到的电机端口阻抗特性,采用基于矢量匹配法的数学拟合方法得到了阻抗等效模型的RLC参数,据此建立了高精度的电机高频电路模型。根据多导体传输线理论,提出了线缆传输线电路模型的建模方法。 ③在电磁屏蔽室搭建了纯电动电机驱动系统传导电磁干扰实验平台,采用本文提出的建模方法建立了系统的共模和差模传导电磁干扰仿真模型。在100kHz—30MHz的频率范围内,仿真了驱动系统在LISN(人工电源网络)处的干扰电压和电机侧的干扰电流。通过仿真和实测结果的对比验证了本文电机驱动系统传导电磁干扰预测方法的正确性和可行性,同时也说明了系统各部件建模方法的正确性。 ④利用混合动力汽车和混动实验平台进行了实验研究。在混合动力汽车三种不同状态下(常规、高速、充电)测量了电机驱动系统中的传导电磁干扰电流频谱。通过对实验数据的分析,确定了电机驱动系统电磁干扰频带宽度以及干扰耦合路径,同时验证了对电机驱动系统电磁干扰的产生机理。建立了混动电机驱动系统的传导电磁干扰仿真模型,通过模型仿真、混动实验平台实测和混合动力实车的测试结果,进一步验证了建模方法的可行性和正确性。 ⑤利用测功机实验平台,,进一步测试了电机驱动系统在实际工作中多种条件下(空载、带载、反向充电)的传导干扰,获得了三种工况下的实验数据。将实验数据与仿真模型的计算数据进行对比的结果表明,本文的建模方法及仿真模型是正确有效的,可为解决汽车工程中的电磁兼容问题提供理论依据。
[Abstract]:In recent years, environmental problems have aroused widespread concern in the whole society, and people are increasingly demanding for environmental protection. Electric vehicles have broad prospects for development and application because of their unique advantages of energy-saving and environmental protection. Among them, the motor drive system is the most important source of electromagnetic interference in electric vehicles, the electromagnetic interference produced by the motor drive system makes it difficult to meet the relevant electromagnetic compatibility standards, and has a negative impact on the safety of the vehicle itself and the external environment. The main tasks are as follows:
The generation mechanism of EMI in motor drive system is analyzed. According to the different coupling paths of conducted EMI, the common mode and differential mode coupling paths of conducted EMI in motor drive system are analyzed respectively.
(2) In the frequency range of conducted EMI, the high frequency equivalent model of PMSM is studied. The RLC parameters of the equivalent impedance model are obtained by the mathematical fitting method based on vector matching method according to the impedance characteristics of PMSM ports measured. A high precision high frequency circuit model of PMSM is established according to the multi-conductor transmission line. A modeling method of cable transmission line circuit model is proposed.
(3) Conducted EMI experimental platform of pure electric motor drive system was built in electromagnetic shielding room, and the simulation models of common mode and differential mode conducted EMI were established by using the modeling method proposed in this paper. The correctness and feasibility of the prediction method of conducted EMI in motor drive system are verified by comparing the simulation results with the measured results, and the correctness of the modeling method for each part of the system is also illustrated.
(4) Experiments were carried out on hybrid electric vehicle and hybrid experimental platform. The spectrum of conducted EMI current in motor drive system was measured under three different states (conventional, high speed, charging) of hybrid electric vehicle. The simulation model of conducted EMI of hybrid motor drive system is established. The feasibility and correctness of the modeling method are further verified by the simulation, the test results of hybrid experimental platform and hybrid electric vehicle.
_Using the dynamometer experimental platform, the conductive interference of the motor drive system under various conditions (no-load, on-load, reverse charging) in practical work is further tested, and the experimental data under three working conditions are obtained. It can provide a theoretical basis for solving electromagnetic compatibility problems in automotive engineering.


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