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发布时间:2018-08-19 09:41
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of power grid and the increase of severe convective weather, transmission line faults caused by severe weather frequently occur, which seriously threaten the safe and reliable operation of power grid. The lightning phenomenon has the advantages of short generation time and fast change, which results in a great proportion of line tripping events in power network fault statistics. The fault reclosing caused by wind bias discharge is not easy to succeed because of the deflection of the line under the action of strong wind. All kinds of natural disasters, especially the disastrous weather in a large area, cause more serious damage to transmission lines than electrical accidents, so it is of great significance to study the early warning of power network faults taking into account meteorological factors. In this paper, based on meteorological information, the fault warning of Anhui power grid is studied, including the failure caused by lightning and gale. Based on the meteorological information, the framework and model of a static security risk assessment system for power grid are presented. Considering the characteristics of the lightning phenomenon, such as short duration and fast change, using the on-line monitoring data of lightning and lightning, this paper puts forward a method of minefield identification based on image recognition technology, and tracks and forecasts the lightning track based on the information of 03:00 minefield. At the same time, according to the historical data of falling mine in Anhui Province, the probability of falling out of pole tower is obtained. On this basis, combined with the lightning tripping calculation method of transmission line, the lightning tripping probability of the transmission line is calculated by using the prediction information of minefield, and the lightning damage fault early warning of the transmission line is realized. Combining with the historical data, the results show that the prediction accuracy of the minefield based on 03:00 information is high, and the corresponding lightning tripping probability value has higher accuracy and can be used as an early warning index for lightning tripping. The composition of the wind is analyzed and the wind speed of the pulsating wind is simulated. The wind deviation response of a suspended insulator string is analyzed by geometric method, and the wind deviation response of transmission line under the action of steady wind and pulsating wind is compared and analyzed. It is concluded that the influence of pulsating wind on the wind deviation of the suspended insulator string increases with the increase of the reference wind speed. On this basis, it is proposed to use g-h distribution to fit the wind speed of pulsating wind to realize wind warning, and to calculate the probability of wind deviation of transmission line based on the simulation of pulsating wind. Combining with the historical data, the results show that the distribution of g-h has a better fitting effect on the wind speed of pulsating wind, and the probability of fault prediction of wind deviation of the line is also more accurate. Combining the probability of meteorological failure of power network with the running state of power network, a static security risk assessment system based on D5000 platform is put forward, its framework and model structure are introduced, and the realization scheme of on-line monitoring and evaluation for the whole network based on meteorological information is given. Some suggestions are given for the construction of meteorological fault warning system in power grid.


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