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发布时间:2018-08-20 10:09
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern economy, people rely more and more on fossil energy such as petroleum and natural gas, and the environmental problems and energy sustainability become more and more prominent. In recent years, power battery has been widely used in electric vehicles, mobile communication equipment and space power supply, and lithium ion battery has been widely used in power system because of its high capacity and memoryless rechargeability. In order to meet the demand of high voltage in power system, a number of lithium ion battery units are usually used in series to meet the high voltage of lithium ion battery. With the battery recycling, the cell inconsistency increases gradually. The battery overshoot and overdischarge frequently cause irreparable damage to the battery, which may cause battery explosion when serious. A stable and efficient battery equalization system is the only way to solve this problem. The main purpose of this paper is to establish a stable and efficient equalization system for battery pack inconsistency. In this paper, theoretical analysis and functional verification are carried out by combining simulation and experiment. Firstly, the causes and effects of battery pack inconsistency are analyzed, and then the equilibrium elements which reflect the battery inconsistency are verified and analyzed respectively. The most suitable equilibrium detection variable is obtained, which provides the basis for the establishment of the equalization system. The proposed equalization system is divided into four modules: monitoring module, main control module, algorithm control module and equalization circuit. The monitoring module adopts the mature solution of AD7820A chip, which can provide battery cell voltage. The accurate collection of current and temperature, the MSP430 microcontroller as the main control system to coordinate the operation of each module. According to the comparison and analysis of various equalization circuit schemes put forward by relevant researchers at present, C 眉 k circuit is selected and optimized as an efficient equalization circuit. This C 眉 k deformed circuit has the advantages of bidirectional charging and discharging, sustainable equalization throughout the whole cycle, etc. It is an efficient topology of equalization circuit. The research of high efficiency strategy in this paper also lies in the intelligence of battery equalization. The advantages and disadvantages of fuzzy control theory applied in battery equalization are analyzed. Introducing the adaptive neural network and fuzzy algorithm into the fuzzy system of the battery equalization system can avoid the effective use of the complex battery model. At the same time, it adaptively adjusts the control system with the change of the state of the battery in use, so that the equalization system has an efficient equalization output. In this paper, FPGA is used as the hardware carrier to realize the ANFIS system, and a complete and efficient equalization system is obtained. Simulation analysis and experimental verification show that the system is efficient and stable and easy to be realized by modularization, which provides an effective solution for the efficient equalization of large capacity power batteries.


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