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发布时间:2018-08-22 08:42
[Abstract]:With the rapid progress of social civilization and industrialization, the energy crisis and environmental problems are becoming more and more prominent. In the field of lighting, LED semiconductor lighting technology has become a new direction of social concern because of its high efficiency, energy saving effect, long service life and green environmental characteristics. The semiconductor properties of the LED light source make it easier to achieve intelligent control and merge with the current electronic information technology, the Internet of things and the Internet of things technology. It is expected that in the near future, it will enter the homes of ordinary people. It is closely related to the daily life of everyone. According to the current situation of LED lighting industry and the author's experience in the field of LED lighting, this paper takes the intelligent control of LED lighting as the research subject, and analyzes the basic theory of various lighting intelligent control systems in the market at present. Combined with the technical characteristics of LED light source, the system architecture and control protocol of intelligent lighting control are studied and discussed in detail, including the following contents: 1: 1. The electrical characteristics of various lighting control protocols are studied, and a control scheme based on 485 and DALI dual bus is proposed. The communication between host computer and gateway is based on 485 bus, which can realize the remote distributed management control of multi-host and multi-gateway. The DALI bus is used between the gateway and the lamp to give full play to the rich and excellent scene control technology of DALI protocol in the intelligent dimming. In this paper, the principle of color temperature synthesis of illuminating light source is studied, and a method based on double channel dimming and toning is proposed. The method establishes a mathematical relation between the luminosity parameter and chroma parameter of LED light source and the duty cycle of driving PWM signal. By adjusting the PWM duty cycle of two light source channel drivers with different color temperature, the luminance and color temperature can be adjusted. 3. The coding format and instruction standard of DALI protocol are analyzed in depth. Two extended instructions are defined to realize the color temperature adjustment function of LED by making full use of the extended space reserved by DALI protocol. In this way, the original dimming control instruction and the extended toning function are perfectly compatible with each other without changing all the execution modes and electrical characteristics of the DALI system. The working principle of LED and the various methods of LED drive are studied. According to the actual situation of lighting engineering, the control hierarchy aiming at lamps is put forward. By integrating the DALI slave and the dual-channel LED driver, and lighting up the two different color temperature LED light sources, the upper computer sends out the dimming and toning instruction in the terminal with the lamp as the executing body. Got very good function execution and effect implementation. 5. The software and hardware functions of the key parts of the touch screen system, such as Dali communication interface and driver, are simulated and debugged separately and on-line, and the feasibility of the functions of each part is verified. The whole system has been applied in the conference room, and the effect has reached the expected design goal.


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