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发布时间:2018-08-22 12:13
【摘要】:综观国内发生的多起电力电缆火灾事故的起因,多是由于电缆接头不良,造成接触电阻增大,继而使接头温度上升,进而又导致接头接触更加不良,在未对其进行监测的情况下,将造成恶性循环,最终导致电缆起火,带来巨大的经济损失,故对其进行实时在线温度监测显得尤其重要。本文开发了一种基于低压电力线载波通信的电力电缆中间接头温度在线监测系统,主要包括电缆接头温度监测终端、电缆接头温度监测主站及数据管理平台。监测终端与监测主站之间采用低压电力线载波通信,其最大优势是依托电力线网络不需要重新布线,具有施工、运行成本低等特点。监测主站与数据管理平台之间采用GPRS无线通信。数据管理平台采用Visual Basic 6.0可视化程序设计语言进行开发,具有数据接收、解析、分类存储、显示,图形显示,报警,历史数据条件查询、条件删除、刷新,数据库备份等功能。最后,本文在实验室条件下对整套系统进行了系统性测试,测试结果表明:该系统具有温度测量准确性高、实时性强、通信可靠、维护量少等优势。
[Abstract]:Looking at the causes of many power cable fire accidents in China, most of them are caused by poor cable joints, resulting in an increase in contact resistance, and then a rise in the temperature of the joints, which in turn leads to even worse contact with the joints. If it is not monitored, it will lead to a vicious circle, and eventually lead to the cable fire, resulting in huge economic losses, so it is particularly important to carry out real-time on-line temperature monitoring. In this paper, an on-line temperature monitoring system for power cable intermediate joints based on low voltage power line carrier communication is developed, which includes cable junction temperature monitoring terminal, cable junction temperature monitoring master station and data management platform. The communication between the monitoring terminal and the main station is based on low voltage power line carrier. The biggest advantage of the communication is that the power line network does not need to be rewired and has the characteristics of construction and low operation cost. The GPRS wireless communication between the main station and the data management platform is adopted. The data management platform is developed with Visual Basic 6.0 visual programming language. It has the functions of data receiving, parsing, classification storage, display, graphic display, alarm, historical data condition query, condition deletion, refresh, database backup and so on. Finally, the whole system is systematically tested in laboratory. The test results show that the system has the advantages of high accuracy, high real-time, reliable communication and less maintenance.


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