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发布时间:2018-08-22 17:14
【摘要】:作为数字化变电站的重要组成部分,电子式互感器的稳定性和可靠性是电力系统安全稳定运行的保证。和传统互感器相比,电子式互感器具有动态范围大、暂态性能好、数字化输出等优点,适应了智能电网的发展方向,因而近年来得到了迅速发展。但是,电子式互感器属于新兴的技术,设计及运行经验不足,所以在运行中出现了一些问题。国家电网公司统计数据显示,2010年电子式电流和电压互感器的故障率分别为4.91台次/百台、11.37台次/百台,远高于传统互感器的故障率,同时期传统电流、电压互感器的故障率分别为0.0027台次/百台、0.0040台次/百台。 传统互感器之所以故障率低,与其完善的性能评价技术是分不开的。互感器的性能评价可及时发现存在的问题并进行改进,保证互感器的运行可靠性。电子式互感器由于传感原理多样、一次本体中含有大量电子元器件,在运行中比传统互感器更易受到电磁干扰的影响,因而性能评价技术也比传统互感器复杂。尽管近年来电子式互感器的性能评价技术在不断发展,但就整个性能评价体系而言,仍存在不完善之处,主要表现在性能评价体系不够健全,现有性能评价项目不能准确、全面的反映现场实际运行工况,导致通过了全部性能评价试验的电子式互感器在现场运行中依然会遇到不少问题,故障率过高。因此,为了更合理的考核电子式互感器的性能,需要研究专门针对电子式互感器的性能评价体系,以更准确的评价其性能,及时找出存在的缺陷和不足,提高运行可靠性。 本文针对电子式互感器性能评价技术存在的不足之处,在参照传统互感器性能评价体系的基础上,初步探索了电子式互感器的性能评价体系,将其性能评价分为型式试验、出厂试验和现场试验三个评价阶段,针对各个阶段性能评价技术的不足之处进行了研究。首先针对现场交接试验中性能评价技术存在的不足,提出了一种基于空心线圈互感系数自校准原理的电子式电流互感器暂态性能校验方法并研制了适合现场使用的校验系统。空心线圈具有体积小、频带宽、动态范围大的特点,适合测量暂态大电流,但输出易受一次导体位置等因素的影响。铁芯线圈的测量准确度高,不易受导体位置的影响,但测量大电流时所需体积大、重量重,不适合现场使用。本文用铁芯线圈在小电流时对空心线圈的互感系数进行校准,以消除一次导体位置等因素的影响,然后以校准后的空心线圈作为暂态大电流的测量标准。此外,采用基于直流负反馈原理的改进Al-Alaoui数字积分算法对空心线圈的输出进行积分还原,避免了模拟积分器存在的温漂、零漂等问题。研制的暂态性能校验系统在中国电科院武汉分院进行了准确度测试,在动模实验室进行了暂态性能测试,测试结果显示系统在100A~40kA范围内比差变化小于0.1%,角差变化小于3’。空心线圈和铁芯线圈总重量仅2.5kg,适合现场使用。 电子式互感器使用中的检验一般采用离线校验方式,间隔周期长且停电操作复杂。本文提出了电子式互感器的在线校验方法,并研制了适合现场使用的在线校验系统,可在线路带电的情况下对运行中的互感器进行校验。其中,电流在线校验系统采用钳形双线圈实现一次电流信号的在线获取。钳形铁芯线圈闭合紧密时准确度高,但输出幅值和相位易受开口气隙的影响,而钳形空心线圈的输出相位几乎不受开口气隙的影响。利用两钳形线圈的特点,将钳形空心线圈的相位作为铁芯线圈是否闭合紧密的判据,然后以闭合紧密的钳形铁芯线圈作为标准,保证了校验时的准确度。电压在线校验系统采用SF6绝缘电压互感器和自动升降装置实现一次电压信号的在线获取,在变电站复杂的环境下具有很高的准确度和可靠性。两校验系统均在中国电科院武汉分院进行了校准,结果表明两校验系统均满足0.05级的准确度要求。校验系统在贵州省电力公司进行了现场应用,结果表明研制的在线校验系统具有操作安全方便的特点。 另外,本文对电子式互感器的电磁兼容问题进行了研究。针对2011年电子式互感器性能测试中新增加的“隔离开关开合容性小电流试验”项目,通过对试验设备和试验过程进行建模仿真,研究隔离开关开合容性小电流试验对电子式互感器的影响,为电子式互感器提高电磁兼容性能提出可行性建议,有助于促进电子式互感器的发展和应用。
[Abstract]:As an important part of digital substation, the stability and reliability of electronic transformer is the guarantee of safe and stable operation of power system. Compared with traditional transformer, electronic transformer has the advantages of large dynamic range, good transient performance, digital output, etc. It adapts to the development direction of smart grid, so it has been obtained in recent years. Rapid development. However, electronic transformer is a new technology with insufficient experience in design and operation, so there are some problems in operation. According to the statistics of State Grid Corporation, the failure rates of electronic current and voltage transformers in 2010 are 4.91/100 sets and 11.37/100 sets respectively, which are much higher than those of traditional transformers. At the same time, the failure rates of conventional current and voltage transformers are 0.0027 times / 100 units, 0.0040 times per 100 units.
The low failure rate of the traditional transformer can not be separated from its perfect performance evaluation technology. The performance evaluation of the transformer can find the problems in time and improve them to ensure the operation reliability of the transformer. Transformers are more susceptible to electromagnetic interference, so performance evaluation technology is more complex than traditional ones. Although the performance evaluation technology of electronic transformers has been developing continuously in recent years, there are still imperfections in the whole performance evaluation system, mainly in the performance evaluation system is not perfect, existing performance evaluation projects. It can not accurately and comprehensively reflect the actual operating conditions on the spot, which leads to many problems and high failure rate in the field operation of electronic transformers which have passed all the performance evaluation tests. In order to evaluate its performance more accurately, we can find out the defects and deficiencies in time and improve the reliability of operation.
In view of the shortcomings of the performance evaluation technology of electronic transformer, the performance evaluation system of electronic transformer is preliminarily explored on the basis of the traditional performance evaluation system. The performance evaluation of electronic transformer is divided into three stages: type test, factory test and field test. Firstly, aiming at the shortcomings of performance evaluation technology in field handover test, a transient performance calibration method of electronic current transformer based on self-calibration principle of mutual inductance coefficient of hollow coil is proposed, and a calibration system suitable for field use is developed. It is suitable for measuring transient large current, but its output is easily affected by the position of primary conductor and other factors. Core coil has high accuracy and is not easily affected by the position of conductor, but it is not suitable for field use because of its large volume and heavy weight. In order to eliminate the influence of the primary conductor position and other factors, the calibrated hollow coil is used as the measurement standard of transient large current. In addition, the improved Al-Alaoui digital integration algorithm based on the principle of DC negative feedback is used to restore the output of the hollow coil, avoiding the temperature drift and zero drift of the analog integrator. The transient performance checking system is tested in Wuhan Branch of the Chinese Academy of Electrical Sciences. The transient performance test is carried out in the dynamic simulation laboratory. The test results show that the variation of the ratio is less than 0.1% and the variation of the angle is less than 3'. The total weight of the hollow coil and the iron core coil is only 2.5 kg, which is suitable for field use.
The online calibration method of electronic transformer is proposed in this paper, and an on-line calibration system suitable for on-site use is developed, which can calibrate the transformer in operation when the line is live. The calibration system uses clamp-shaped double coils to realize on-line primary current signal acquisition. The clamp-shaped iron core coils have high accuracy when closed tightly, but the output amplitude and phase are easily affected by the open air gap, while the output phase of the clamp-shaped hollow coils is almost unaffected by the open air gap. Bit is used as the criterion of whether the core coil is closed tightly, and then the clamp coil is used as the criterion to ensure the accuracy of the calibration. Accuracy and reliability. Both calibration systems were calibrated in Wuhan Branch of the Chinese Academy of Electrical Sciences. The results show that both calibration systems meet the accuracy requirements of 0.05. The calibration system was applied in Guizhou Electric Power Company. The results show that the online calibration system is safe and convenient to operate.
In addition, the electromagnetic compatibility of electronic transformer is studied in this paper. Aiming at the new item of "small current test of disconnector on-off capacitance" added in the performance test of electronic transformer in 2011, the electronic mutual inductance of disconnector on-off capacitance small current test is studied by modeling and simulating the test equipment and test process. The influence of the electronic transformer is helpful to the development and application of the electronic transformer.


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