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发布时间:2018-08-24 07:20
【摘要】:摘要:微网对分布式电源的有效整合利用,不仅解决了分布式电源分散接入电网产生的谐波对电网造成的问题,而且大大提高了电力系统的灵活性和安全可靠性。微网系统的能量优化管理策略对于提高微网供电可靠性和运行经济性具有很重要的意义。本文研究的微网能量控制管理策略能够保障微网的安全、稳定、经济运行,下面是主要研究内容: (1)针对微网系统底层装置的控制,介绍了微网各组成部分并对比分析了分布式电源的控制策略,其中包括恒功率控制、恒压恒频控制、下垂控制。基于交大微网实验平台验证了微网底层装置控制策略的有效性。 (2)以微网系统底层装置的控制策略为基础,进一步研究了微网系统的上层控制。针对并网运行模式下的微网能量优化管理,首先将大电网负荷用电时段划分为峰、平、谷三个时段并实时监测蓄电池荷电状态(State of Charge, SOC),根据所处的用电时段以及蓄电池的SOC确定使用何种优化策略,根据优化策略结果给各DG发布具体的能量优化分配指令,使微网系统最优化运行;建立能量优化策略中所涉及的能量优化调度模型,并在目标函数中加入蓄电池放电罚函数以保证蓄电池始终维持一定的能量储备;最后,通过Matlab编程,利用一个仿真算例验证此控制策略的合理性和有效性。 (3)针对孤岛运行模式下的微网能量优化管理,将微网的能量优化管理问题分为日前规划和实时调度两个方面。在日前规划方面,通过求解建立的日前启停优化模型得到各可控型微源全天各时段的最优启停状态;在实时调度方面,遵循日前计划结果,分别针对包含与不包含储能装置的微网提出了对应的两种实时能量管理策略。针对包含储能装置的微网,通过将蓄电池能量状态划分为四个区间并对其实时监测,根据其能量状态、净负荷功率以及各DG出力来确定不同的能量调度策略,并引入切负荷和卸负荷作为功率调节手段。最后通过一个算例验证所提出的微网能量优化管理策略不仅能够保证微网的安全、可靠、长期独立运行,而且能够减小对储能装置的容量需求,节约微网投资成本。
[Abstract]:Absrtact: the effective integration and utilization of distributed power generation by microgrid not only solves the problem of harmonics generated by distributed power supply, but also greatly improves the flexibility and safety of power system. The energy optimal management strategy of microgrid system is very important to improve the reliability and operation economy of microgrid power supply. The microgrid energy control management strategy studied in this paper can ensure the security, stability and economic operation of the microgrid. The following are the main contents: (1) for the control of the bottom device of the microgrid system, The control strategies of distributed power generation are compared and analyzed, including constant power control, constant voltage and frequency control and droop control. Based on the experimental platform of Jiaotong University, the effectiveness of the control strategy of the micro-grid device is verified. (2) based on the control strategy of the micro-grid system, the upper layer control of the micro-grid system is further studied. Aiming at the optimal management of microgrid energy in grid-connected operation mode, first of all, the load period of large power grid is divided into peak and level. Three periods of time and real-time monitoring of battery charging state (State of Charge, SOC), according to the time period and battery SOC to determine which optimization strategy to use, according to the results of the optimization strategy to each DG issued specific energy optimal allocation instructions. Make the microgrid system run optimally, establish the energy optimal scheduling model involved in the energy optimization strategy, and add the battery discharge penalty function to the objective function to ensure that the battery always maintains a certain energy reserve. Finally, through Matlab programming, A simulation example is used to verify the rationality and effectiveness of the control strategy. (3) the energy optimal management of microgrid is divided into two aspects: pre-day planning and real-time scheduling. In the aspect of pre-day planning, the optimal starting and stopping states of every controllable microsource are obtained by solving the pre-day start and stop optimization model, and in the aspect of real-time scheduling, the results of pre-day planning are followed. Two real-time energy management strategies are proposed for microgrids containing and without energy storage devices. By dividing the energy state of the battery into four regions and monitoring it in real time, according to the energy state, the net load power and the output of each DG, different energy scheduling strategies are determined. Load shedding and unloading are introduced as power regulation methods. Finally, an example is given to verify that the proposed microgrid energy optimization management strategy can not only ensure the security, reliability and long-term independent operation of the microgrid, but also reduce the capacity requirement of the energy storage device and save the investment cost of the microgrid.


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