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发布时间:2018-08-24 11:39
【摘要】:随着大区电网互联、风电等可再生能源发电的大量并网,电力系统的运行状况更为复杂,安全稳定问题日益突出。电力系统调度处于保证电网安全稳定运行的第一线,亟需开发可在电网日常调度中有效考虑电网安全稳定约束的方法与工具。同时,随着风电渗透率的增加,双馈风电场对电力系统的安全稳定运行提出了严峻的挑战。针对上述问题,本文以安全域的方法学为基础,开展了如下研究: 首先,基于 安全域的边界可用超平面近似描述‖的事实,提出了一种可综合考虑机组运行约束、系统约束和网络安全约束的多目标机组组合模型。该模型具有如下重要特点:a.首次在电力系统日前调度中同时计及了支路潮流约束、静态电压稳定约束和暂态稳定约束,为电力系统调度人员处理安全性约束提供了有效的工具;b.通过运行点到安全域边界的距离,评估调度方案的安全裕度,并将系统的总运行成本和安全裕度同时作为优化的子目标,从而为电力系统调度人员协调系统运行的经济性和安全性这一矛盾提供了新的思路与方法。 其次,研究了含双馈风电场电力系统的小扰动稳定域,分析了系统中主要机电振荡模态与小扰动稳定域边界的对应关系;比较了风电场接入前后以及接入位置对系统小扰动稳定性的影响。通过大量仿真发现,在工程关心的范围内,接入双馈风机后,节点功率注入空间上电力系统小扰动稳定域的边界仍可以用一个或少数几个超平面近似拟合,为域的方法应用于含双馈风机电力系统小扰动稳定性分析与控制奠定了基础。 再次,提出了基于安全域的含风电电力系统概率小扰动稳定分析方法。与基于特征值分析的传统概率小扰动稳定分析方法相比,该方法具有明显的计算优势,可显著降低在小扰动稳定分析中计及风电、负荷等不确定性因素所带来的计算负担。同时,建立了基于安全域的小扰动稳定约束优化潮流模型,通过发电再调度与弃风来改善风电接入系统的小扰动稳定性;该模型克服了传统方法难以显式描述小扰动稳定约束的困难;通过算例验证了该模型的有效性。 最后,研究了节点功率注入空间上保证事故后含双馈风电场电力系统暂态稳定的动态安全域,比较了双馈风机接入前后,,系统动态安全域的变化,并对其机理进行了分析。通过大量仿真发现,在工程关心的范围内,接入双馈风机后,节点功率注入空间上电力系统动态安全域的边界仍可以用一个或少数几个超平面进行拟合,为含风电电力系统的安全监视、评估与控制提供了一种有效的工具。
[Abstract]:With the interconnection of regional power grid and a large number of grid connections of renewable power generation such as wind power, the operation status of power system is more complex, and the problem of safety and stability is becoming increasingly prominent. Power system dispatching is the first line to ensure the safe and stable operation of power network. It is urgent to develop methods and tools that can effectively consider the security and stability constraints in daily power grid dispatching. At the same time, with the increase of wind power permeability, doubly-fed wind farm poses a severe challenge to the safe and stable operation of power system. Based on the methodology of security domain, this paper has carried out the following research: firstly, the boundary based on security domain can be described by hyperplane approximation. This paper presents a multi-objective unit combination model which can comprehensively consider unit operation constraints, system constraints and network security constraints. The model has the following important characteristics: a. For the first time, branch power flow constraints, static voltage stability constraints and transient stability constraints are taken into account in power system dispatching before day, which provides an effective tool for power system dispatchers to deal with security constraints. The security margin of the scheduling scheme is evaluated by the distance between the running point and the security domain boundary, and the total operation cost and the security margin of the system are taken as the sub-objectives of the optimization at the same time. This provides a new way of thinking and method for the contradiction of economy and security of dispatching personnel in power system. Secondly, the small disturbance stability region of wind farm power system with doubly-fed wind farm is studied, and the relationship between the main electromechanical oscillation modes and the boundary of small disturbance stability region is analyzed. The influence of the wind farm before and after the access and the access position on the stability of the system is compared. Through a large number of simulations, it is found that the boundary of small disturbance stability region of power system can still be approximated by one or a few hyperplanes after the doubly-fed fan is connected into the space of node power injection within the range of engineering concern. It lays a foundation for small disturbance stability analysis and control of power system with doubly-fed fan. Thirdly, the probabilistic small disturbance stability analysis method of wind power system based on security domain is proposed. Compared with the traditional probabilistic small disturbance stability analysis method based on eigenvalue analysis, this method has obvious computational advantages and can significantly reduce the computational burden caused by uncertainties such as wind power and load in small disturbance stability analysis. At the same time, a small disturbance constrained optimal power flow model based on security domain is established to improve the small disturbance stability of wind power access system through generation rescheduling and abandonment. The model overcomes the difficulty that the traditional method is difficult to describe the stability constraint of small disturbance explicitly, and the validity of the model is verified by an example. Finally, the dynamic security domain of power system transient stability in wind farm with doubly-fed wind farm after the accident is studied in the node power injection space. The dynamic security domain changes before and after the doubly-fed fan connection are compared, and its mechanism is analyzed. Through a large number of simulations, it is found that the boundary of dynamic security domain of power system can still be fitted by one or a few hyperplanes after the doubly-fed fan is connected to the power system dynamic security domain in the space of node power injection. It provides an effective tool for safety monitoring, evaluation and control of wind power system.


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